Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
02/10/25 01:42:20Detected43.0192-70.25724 total classified RW calls, 3 of which are isolated, loud and have great shape. Potentially a couple other right whale unclassified RW calls too.
02/10/25 01:57:20Detected43.0182-70.2534
02/10/25 04:12:20Detected43.0113-70.2236
02/10/25 04:27:20Detected43.0109-70.2197
02/10/25 04:42:20Detected43.0108-70.2173
02/10/25 05:42:20Detected43.0107-70.2032
02/10/25 05:53:26Possibly detected43.0107-70.19973 consecutive fw pulses in p5/6
02/10/25 06:42:20Detected43.0117-70.1935Several upcalls isolated from the fw and great shape.
02/10/25 06:57:20Detected43.0123-70.1906Three classified upcalls and one unclassified call. One of the classified calls doesn’t have the best shape but the unclassified does. This is enough to mark detected for RW.
02/10/25 07:42:20Detected43.0143-70.1820
02/10/25 07:57:20Detected43.0149-70.1791
02/10/25 08:35:41Detected43.0168-70.1707Amanda left off here.
02/10/25 09:27:20Detected43.0154-70.1660
02/10/25 09:42:20Detected43.0146-70.1630
02/10/25 10:42:20Detected43.0115-70.1510
02/10/25 12:57:20Detected43.0018-70.1301
02/10/25 13:12:20Detected43.0002-70.1272
02/10/25 13:42:20Detected42.9962-70.1199
02/10/25 13:57:20Detected42.9942-70.1163
02/10/25 14:42:20Detected42.9883-70.1054Classified and unclassified upcalls.
02/10/25 15:42:20Detected42.9819-70.0957
02/10/25 16:42:20Detected42.9750-70.0890
02/10/25 17:35:22Detected42.9679-70.0958
02/10/25 18:12:20Possibly detected42.9670-70.0952
02/10/25 18:42:20Detected42.9644-70.1002
02/10/25 19:42:20Detected42.9592-70.1102
02/10/25 20:42:20Detected42.9558-70.1144
02/10/25 20:57:20Detected42.9540-70.1157
02/10/25 21:42:20Detected42.9485-70.1196
02/10/25 21:57:20Detected42.9466-70.1208
02/10/25 22:57:20Detected42.9402-70.1216
02/10/25 23:12:20Detected42.9386-70.1229
02/10/25 23:42:20Detected42.9353-70.1256
02/10/25 23:57:20Detected42.9337-70.1270

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
02/10/25 01:42:20Detected43.0192-70.25724 total classified RW calls, 3 of which are isolated, loud and have great shape. Potentially a couple other right whale unclassified RW calls too.
02/10/25 06:27:20Possibly detected43.0111-70.1964The classified RW call is very short, but following protocol and marking as possibly
02/10/25 06:42:20Detected43.0117-70.1935Several upcalls isolated from the fw and great shape.
02/10/25 06:57:20Detected43.0123-70.1906Three classified upcalls and one unclassified call. One of the classified calls doesn’t have the best shape but the unclassified does. This is enough to mark detected for RW.
02/10/25 14:42:20Detected42.9883-70.1054Classified and unclassified upcalls.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
02/10/25 01:42:2043.0192-70.25724 total classified RW calls, 3 of which are isolated, loud and have great shape. Potentially a couple other right whale unclassified RW calls too.
02/10/25 05:53:2643.0107-70.19973 consecutive fw pulses in p5/6
02/10/25 06:27:2043.0111-70.1964The classified RW call is very short, but following protocol and marking as possibly
02/10/25 06:42:2043.0117-70.1935Several upcalls isolated from the fw and great shape.
02/10/25 06:57:2043.0123-70.1906Three classified upcalls and one unclassified call. One of the classified calls doesn’t have the best shape but the unclassified does. This is enough to mark detected for RW.
02/10/25 08:35:4143.0168-70.1707Amanda left off here.
02/10/25 14:42:2042.9883-70.1054Classified and unclassified upcalls.
