Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
06/27/16 07:16:32 | 42.0477 | -66.0882 | Possible faint FW in P13-14? No classifications because they're so faint so
not much to work with. |
06/27/16 08:31:32 | 42.0669 | -65.9007 | More unclassified FW pulses? Very faint but there's a clear pattern. |
06/27/16 11:16:32 | 42.0777 | -65.8809 | Here's an example here there are unclassified FW pulses at the beginning of
the period, but then there's a section where there are multiple pulses in a
row that are classified. |
06/27/16 12:31:32 | 42.0820 | -65.8726 | None classified, but it looks like more FW pulses here. |
06/27/16 13:31:32 | 42.0853 | -65.8663 | Possible faint FW pulses in P11. |
06/27/16 16:16:32 | 42.0769 | -65.9849 | Little downsweeps, esp. in P4 and 6. Not sure if these are calls or just low
frequency noise. |
06/27/16 17:16:32 | 42.0796 | -65.9809 | Couple of PTs near the end of P11 that have the spacing of a SW doublet but
are different shapes and the second one is slightly higher frequency. |
06/27/16 19:16:32 | 42.0852 | -65.9729 | Upcall-like PT in P10, it's not too faint but the last half of it is an
artifact so I'm skeptical. Not saying Possibly for RW unless I see more
evidence. |