Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
06/14/22 02:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Three possible loud HW downsweeps at the end of P4, the other noise appears to be random. |
06/14/22 05:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | There are probable HW social sounds throughout this period and a beautiful, loud classified upcall in P14.
It’s surrounded by noise which could also partly be HW vocalizations though. It’s not isolated enough to
say PD for RW here. |
06/14/22 05:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW social sounds throughout the period but most of it could also be noise. |
06/14/22 06:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW social sounds throughout the period. |
06/14/22 07:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW downsweep near the end of P2 but it could also be noise. |
06/14/22 12:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW moans in P2? |
06/14/22 13:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Loud HW moans and other possible calls in P2 and 5? |
06/14/22 14:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible LF HW downsweeps throughout the period. The pitch tracks are so short it’s difficult to tell what
is biological and what could be noise. |
06/14/22 15:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible series of very short LF downsweeps in P6, 8, and 9, source unknown. |
06/14/22 18:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Loud LF downsweeps throughout this period, source unknown. There’s also what looks like a LF moan in
P13 but I think it’s actually a series of four very short downsweeps which could be HW. There are clearer
examples of this in the next period. |
06/14/22 18:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Series of very short downsweeps throughout this period, possible HW? It’s difficult to completely rule out
non-biological noise. |
06/14/22 19:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | There’s one classified upcall in P9 but it’s short and looks similar to the surrounding faint LF noise. |
06/14/22 19:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW LF downsweeps throughout the period and a possible moan in P5? |
06/14/22 20:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | There are some possible series of very short LF downsweeps throughout this period but they’re all so faint
they could just be LF noise. |