Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
07/04/22 04:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | HW social sounds in P14 and 16. |
07/04/22 04:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | HW social sounds in P1. |
07/04/22 05:10:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 05:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Probable HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 07:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW throughout the period but the pitch tracks are faint and have artifacts. |
07/04/22 08:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Short LF downsweeps throughout the period, possibly HW or noise. |
07/04/22 09:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW moan in P2? |
07/04/22 10:10:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Short LF downsweeps throughout the period, possibly HW or noise. |
07/04/22 10:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Short LF downsweeps throughout the period, possibly HW or noise. |
07/04/22 11:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Short LF downsweeps throughout the period, possibly HW or noise. |
07/04/22 12:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Beautiful loud HW song here. |
07/04/22 12:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | This is a good example of a period where there is clear HW song along with the tiny LF double downsweep
that can be observed in P1. These two little downsweeps in the 100-50 Hz range have been observed in
previous periods without other clear signs of HW presence. |
07/04/22 14:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Short LF downsweeps throughout the period, possibly HW or noise. Possible HW social sounds in P10. |
07/04/22 14:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Probable HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 15:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 16:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW social sounds in P4. There are also three classified RW upcalls in this period but all of them
have artifacts and/or surrounding spurious pitch tracks. These are most likely noise. |
07/04/22 17:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 18:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 18:55:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 19:10:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | HW social sounds throughout the period. |
07/04/22 19:40:41 | 41.0613 | -70.8324 | Possible HW sounds in P16 but it could be faint noise. |