Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/15/22 03:55:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | JT-SW misclassed in P10. FW-ND. Poss HW sounds throughout period but mostly faint
and louder PTs have artifacts so HW-ND. |
08/15/22 04:10:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | JT-lots of sounds but mostly faint and with artifacts so HW-ND. |
08/15/22 04:40:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | JT-FW detections with incorrect and inconsistent INI so FW-ND. |
08/15/22 05:55:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | JT-tiny, short, loud sounds in P4,11,15 otherwise mostly quiet period. |
08/15/22 08:55:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | JT-FW-PD in P7, P13&15.
KS - 3 consecutive pulses classified FW in P 7 faint and very short, amplitude is
fairly consistent throughout entire period but no other pulses in sequence FW - PD |
08/15/22 09:55:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- possible HW social sound P7 between 5 and 10 sec faint not enough context HW
- ND |
08/15/22 10:55:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS - long tonal pt in P10 and possible humpback social sound in P12 loud but
unfamiliar shape possible social sounds in P11 and P12 between 35 and 40 sec HW -
ND |
08/15/22 11:40:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- multiple squiggly faint pts throughout period fairly isolated HW- ND |
08/15/22 12:40:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- possible HW social sounds pts have an inconsistent shape and are faint but
isolated |
08/15/22 13:55:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- long faint tonal pts could be from bad weather |
08/15/22 19:55:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- lots of low frequency tonal sounds, do not look biological |
08/15/22 20:10:18 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- possible HW social sound in P14, isolated and loud, not enough context HW - ND |