
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/22/23 06:40:1838.3030-74.6450HB - automated RW detection in panel 7, isolated, but faint and very short - RW ND.
09/22/23 07:40:1838.3030-74.6450Ks- single classified HW call type in P11, faint and very jagged isolated but not other context to determine if sound is biological or not HW - ND
09/22/23 08:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- single pts in lower frequency with downsweep shape loud and fairly isolated but no other context to tell if sounds are biological or not
09/22/23 12:25:1838.3030-74.6450KS- P13 has a single pt with downsweep shape fairly isolated, loud with good shape, not enough context to tell if sound is biological or not HW - ND SW - ND
