Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
02/28/24 00:12:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | CT - FW D and HW D. |
02/28/24 00:42:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | CT - P13-P14 HW PD. |
02/28/24 00:57:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | CT - P5 faint pts around 200 Hz with downsweep shape but no other context in
period, HW ND. |
02/28/24 07:12:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | CT - P12-P14 faint very short pts that repeat and occur around 200 Hz similar to
HW sounds, not enough shape or context to pts to say they aren't spurious. HW ND. |
02/28/24 07:57:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | CT - P2-P4 repeating faint and short pts around 200 Hz similar to HW sounds, all
are very short and some are jagged in shape and don't provide enough context. HW
ND. |
02/28/24 08:27:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | BW- short and faint pattern of HW song on P6-9- HW-PD |
02/28/24 08:57:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | BW- HW-PD on P13-14 |
02/28/24 09:42:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | BW- classified RW detections are surrounded by other similar noise, RW-ND |
02/28/24 16:27:29 | 38.3027 | -74.6445 | BW- Classified RW detection on P3 is faint, jagged, and has a few other PTs
nearby- RW-PD. |