
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/25/24 00:27:2938.3027-74.6445CT - P10-P11 four consecutive classified FW pulses however amplitude and INI are inconsistent, FW ND.
06/25/24 00:57:2938.3027-74.6445CT - P12 classified RW call looks artifactual in shape and is not isolated from other noise related pts. RW ND.
06/25/24 01:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - P4-P5 interesting repeating LF pts that look to have harmonics and may be from vessel noise.
06/25/24 04:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P15 classified HW calls quiet and look artifactual in shape, HW ND.
06/25/24 05:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P10 classified RW call is quiet, very short and somewhat jagged, and is likely spurious. RW ND.
06/25/24 06:27:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P9 and P10-P13 interesting LF tonal pts that may be from vessel noise.
06/25/24 06:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - Also observed in the previous period, same interesting LF tonal pts across all panels in period that may be vessel noise.
06/25/24 08:57:2938.3027-74.6445BW- RW detection in P13 is very short and quiet, RW-ND
06/25/24 12:12:2938.3027-74.6445BW- RW detection in P9 is within noise, RW-ND
06/25/24 14:42:2938.3027-74.6445BW- Multiple shaped PTs above 200 hz (P6, P7, P8-11), all species ND. RW detection in P14 is short, quiet, and contains an artifact, RW-ND.
