Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/26/24 16:42:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445CT - On P11 classified singlet SW call is loud but slightly jagged. Classified call is followed by possible unclassified doublet occurring ~15sec later in same panel. SW PD.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/26/24 03:57:29Possibly detected38.3027-74.6445BW- 5 consecutive, classified FW pulses, first pulse is a different amplitude and INI varies a bit, from 8-10 s. FW-PD.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/26/24 03:42:2938.3027-74.6445BW- RW detection in P4 is within noise, RW-ND.
06/26/24 03:57:2938.3027-74.6445BW- 5 consecutive, classified FW pulses, first pulse is a different amplitude and INI varies a bit, from 8-10 s. FW-PD.
06/26/24 15:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - Classified RW call on P15 is faint, shape is jagged, and lots of other noise related pts observed in same panel and throughout period. RW ND.
06/26/24 16:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P11 classified singlet SW call is loud but slightly jagged. Classified call is followed by possible unclassified doublet occurring ~15sec later in same panel. SW PD.
06/26/24 20:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - Classified RW call on P5 and P10 that are faint, don't have great upsweep shape, and lots of other noise related pts also occurring in the low frequency. RW ND.
