Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
11/18/15 04:51:01 | 43.9681 | -68.0749 | Check spectrogram: Downsweep in panel 2 that looks like the downsweeps seen a few tally periods
back. |
11/18/15 20:51:01 | 43.9681 | -68.0749 | Check spectrogram: Possible downsweep at end of panel 12. HW? |
11/18/15 21:51:01 | 43.9681 | -68.0749 | Pitch tracks in panels 3 and 4 that suggest HW presence and then two strong downsweeps later in
the tally period. |
11/18/15 22:06:01 | 43.9681 | -68.0749 | Check spectrogram: More weird downsweeps. |
11/18/15 22:51:01 | 43.9681 | -68.0749 | Two more strong downsweeps. Staying with Possibly due to lack of any other signs but leaning
toward Detected. |