
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/12/23 10:19:2035.6552-75.1608Right whale classification on Panel 5, however when zooming in, it appears to be more of an artifact from noise rather than a right whale upcall.
09/12/23 15:19:2035.6552-75.1608Right whales were classified on Panels 2, 4, and 5. Based on the protocols, there could be a detection; however it seems to be part of the noise observed on the other panels. The classification on Panel 4 appears to be a downsweep and the others look like artifacts.
09/12/23 16:19:2035.6552-75.1608Possible right whale upcall on Panel 3, but it is attached to an artifact and could just be noise.
09/12/23 19:19:2035.6552-75.1608Classified right whale upcall on Panel 2, but it appears to be part of the noise.
