Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
02/28/17 00:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible HW calling in P4. |
02/28/17 00:54:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint upcall in P9, could just be noise. |
02/28/17 01:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | The low frequency pitch tracks in P7-12 look flatter than the usual RW upcalls, are these possibly
part of some HW song? It's difficult to tell from such faint pitch tracks. |
02/28/17 01:24:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint upcall in P7 but it could just be noise. |
02/28/17 02:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint HW calling in P4-5 but it could just be noise. |
02/28/17 09:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint HW calls in P8 but there aren't enough patterned calls to be
certain these are biological. |
02/28/17 09:24:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint HW calling throughout this period, but the pitch tracks are so
faint and small that it's impossible to rule out noise. |
02/28/17 10:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Some possible faint HW calls in P6-7 but they are too faint and small to serve
as solid evidence of presence. |
02/28/17 14:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Calibration sweeps from Mark's hydrophone deployment. Also some long upsweeps in P11 just
under the calibration sweeps but I'm not sure these mean anything, possibly related to the sweeps? |
02/28/17 15:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Calibration sweeps |
02/28/17 16:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Calibration sweeps |
02/28/17 18:24:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint HW in P9-10 but it's impossible to know when they are so faint. Just going off the
pattern here. |
02/28/17 19:39:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | More possible faint HW song throughout this period but too faint to tell if it's actually biological or
some kind of environmental noise. |
02/28/17 21:24:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Some of the faint PTs as seen in P13-16 look like they could be HW downsweeps but they are so
faint they could easily just be noise. |
02/28/17 21:39:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible HW song in P8. |
02/28/17 21:54:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint HW song in P11-13? |
02/28/17 22:09:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible HW calling in P16. |
02/28/17 22:24:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | The louder upsweeps in P1 and the fainter patterned upsweeps throughout the period provide
enough evidence to score this period as Detected for HW. |
02/28/17 22:39:45 | 41.1462 | -70.9448 | Possible faint HW song here. |