Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/17/15 08:30:56Possibly detected43.6063-62.9518SW: 3 loud, shapely, isolated, and classified singles. 1 is classified sei, 1 classified as humpback call 17, and the 3rd is unclassified. No doublets, but enough for a possible


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/17/15 01:30:5643.5466-63.0160Strange isolated overlapping pt in p12 - probably noise-related
08/17/15 03:30:5643.5603-63.0013Strange pt in p11 that follows a similar pattern as the platform noise we've been seeing
08/17/15 05:45:5643.5797-62.9753Several classified HW calls in a noise event - most likely spurious pt's
08/17/15 08:30:5643.6063-62.9518SW: 3 loud, shapely, isolated, and classified singles. 1 is classified sei, 1 classified as humpback call 17, and the 3rd is unclassified. No doublets, but enough for a possible
08/17/15 10:30:5643.6239-62.9482One unknown loud downsweep in p5
08/17/15 10:45:5643.6259-62.94781 isolated, shapely, loud downsweep in p2 (maybe sei?)
08/17/15 11:30:5643.6320-62.9465SW: 1 classified downsweep that has an ok shape, strange amplitude distribution, and is not entirely isolated from noise. Another downsweep candidate in p2. Not enough for a possible, but check spectrogram.
08/17/15 17:30:5643.6643-62.92251 isolated, unknown downsweep in p9
08/17/15 18:30:5643.6729-62.9214Unknown shapely downsweep in p9
