Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/03/15 01:02:57 | Possibly detected | 43.0877 | -65.1894 | Two classified rw upcalls and perhaps more unclassified (panels 4, 5, 6, and possibly 15). Calls are
isolated, and second call in panel 4 is loud and has a very nice shape. fw pulse sequence in panel 14 has
constant IPI of ~9 seconds. |
08/03/15 02:49:11 | Possibly detected | 43.0972 | -65.2071 | fw pulse sequence in panel 15 has roughly constant IPI, but still not totally sure. Calls are loud, but
sequence is very short - does not make sense. |
08/03/15 06:02:57 | Possibly detected | 43.1248 | -65.1981 | fw sequence in panels 13-14 has roughly constant IPI, but there is some variation. This variation warrants
a "possibly detected" score, not detected. |
08/03/15 06:17:57 | Possibly detected | 43.1260 | -65.2015 | fw sequence in panel 3 has IPI of 9 and 10. The calls are loud, but the sequence is short. This is very
strange. Still, will score as possibly detected. |
08/03/15 07:02:57 | Possibly detected | 43.1287 | -65.2099 | Many fw classified calls, but sequences do not often have constant IPIs. Very suspicious. Will mark as
possibly detected, but I'm starting to suspect some local noise process on the glider. Many LF tones, too. |
08/03/15 23:02:57 | Possibly detected | 43.1296 | -65.2752 | Some sequences of 3 fw calls and lots and lots of LF pulses. Starting to wonder if pulses may be fw calls?
Possible sw call in panel 15, but seems to be joined to another pitch track. Leaving sw as not detected
because of uncertainty. |
08/03/15 23:17:57 | Detected | 43.1288 | -65.2742 | Last fw calls sequence seems legit, but IPI bounces from 8 to 10 seconds. Scoring as detected, though.
Lots of LF tones, too. sw downsweep has a not-so-great shape, but is isolated. Scoring sw as possibly
detected. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/03/15 01:02:57 | Detected | 43.0877 | -65.1894 | Two classified rw upcalls and perhaps more unclassified (panels 4, 5, 6, and possibly 15). Calls are
isolated, and second call in panel 4 is loud and has a very nice shape. fw pulse sequence in panel 14 has
constant IPI of ~9 seconds. |
08/03/15 03:17:57 | Possibly detected | 43.1031 | -65.2048 | Although faint, the single classified rw upcall is isolated and has a nice shape. Another potentially
unclassified rw upcall is in panel 12. |
08/03/15 03:32:57 | Detected | 43.1043 | -65.2075 | Several classified and unclassified rw upcalls. More LF tones. |
08/03/15 04:02:57 | Detected | 43.1071 | -65.2128 | Several classified and unclassified rw upcalls. |
08/03/15 04:17:57 | Detected | 43.1086 | -65.2160 | rw upcall in panel 3 is loud, isolated, and has a decent shape. Call in panel 2 is awfully short, but there
appears to be an unclassified rw upcall in panel 4. |
08/03/15 05:02:57 | Possibly detected | 43.1124 | -65.2233 | Single rw upcall is isolated, loud and has a nice shape. Possible unclassified rw upcall in panel 3. Classified
sw downsweep in panel 14 looks a little short, but its loud and isolated. |
08/03/15 05:17:57 | Detected | 43.1138 | -65.2260 | Very nice rw upcalls. |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/03/15 00:02:57 | 43.0840 | -65.1429 | Possible unclassified rw upcalls in panels 6 and 7. fw IPIs are too variable. Many LF tones. |
08/03/15 00:17:57 | 43.0854 | -65.1461 | More LF tones. |
08/03/15 01:02:57 | 43.0877 | -65.1894 | Two classified rw upcalls and perhaps more unclassified (panels 4, 5, 6, and possibly 15). Calls are
isolated, and second call in panel 4 is loud and has a very nice shape. fw pulse sequence in panel 14 has
constant IPI of ~9 seconds. |
08/03/15 02:49:11 | 43.0972 | -65.2071 | fw pulse sequence in panel 15 has roughly constant IPI, but still not totally sure. Calls are loud, but
sequence is very short - does not make sense. |
08/03/15 03:17:57 | 43.1031 | -65.2048 | Although faint, the single classified rw upcall is isolated and has a nice shape. Another potentially
unclassified rw upcall is in panel 12. |
08/03/15 03:32:57 | 43.1043 | -65.2075 | Several classified and unclassified rw upcalls. More LF tones. |
08/03/15 04:02:57 | 43.1071 | -65.2128 | Several classified and unclassified rw upcalls. |
08/03/15 04:17:57 | 43.1086 | -65.2160 | rw upcall in panel 3 is loud, isolated, and has a decent shape. Call in panel 2 is awfully short, but there
appears to be an unclassified rw upcall in panel 4. |
08/03/15 05:02:57 | 43.1124 | -65.2233 | Single rw upcall is isolated, loud and has a nice shape. Possible unclassified rw upcall in panel 3. Classified
sw downsweep in panel 14 looks a little short, but its loud and isolated. |
08/03/15 05:17:57 | 43.1138 | -65.2260 | Very nice rw upcalls. |
08/03/15 06:02:57 | 43.1248 | -65.1981 | fw sequence in panels 13-14 has roughly constant IPI, but there is some variation. This variation warrants
a "possibly detected" score, not detected. |
08/03/15 06:17:57 | 43.1260 | -65.2015 | fw sequence in panel 3 has IPI of 9 and 10. The calls are loud, but the sequence is short. This is very
strange. Still, will score as possibly detected. |
08/03/15 07:02:57 | 43.1287 | -65.2099 | Many fw classified calls, but sequences do not often have constant IPIs. Very suspicious. Will mark as
possibly detected, but I'm starting to suspect some local noise process on the glider. Many LF tones, too. |
08/03/15 11:17:57 | 43.1530 | -65.2650 | Classified sw call in panel 13 has a terrible shape and strange time course of amplitude. Scoring sw as not
detected. |
08/03/15 12:02:57 | 43.1551 | -65.2741 | None of the fw calls are in sequence with constant IPI. Calls in panel 13 may be in sequence, but third call
is unclassified and perhaps joined with some other LF sound. |
08/03/15 19:17:57 | 43.1549 | -65.2753 | Some faint LF tones in panels 10 and 11. |
08/03/15 21:17:57 | 43.1424 | -65.2520 | Unclassified sw calls in panels 7, 9, and 11? |
08/03/15 21:57:51 | 43.1306 | -65.2693 | Lots of LF tones. |
08/03/15 22:32:57 | 43.1308 | -65.2770 | sw downsweep in panel 7? |
08/03/15 23:02:57 | 43.1296 | -65.2752 | Some sequences of 3 fw calls and lots and lots of LF pulses. Starting to wonder if pulses may be fw calls?
Possible sw call in panel 15, but seems to be joined to another pitch track. Leaving sw as not detected
because of uncertainty. |
08/03/15 23:17:57 | 43.1288 | -65.2742 | Last fw calls sequence seems legit, but IPI bounces from 8 to 10 seconds. Scoring as detected, though.
Lots of LF tones, too. sw downsweep has a not-so-great shape, but is isolated. Scoring sw as possibly
detected. |