Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/05/15 00:58:31Detected43.0412-65.4411
10/05/15 05:58:31Detected43.0266-65.4741
10/05/15 07:58:31Possibly detected43.0177-65.4641Fin: several classified calls in p13, but pattern is difficult to distinguish. At least 3 calls with consisten ~8s IPI, enough for possible.
10/05/15 08:58:31Detected43.0110-65.4422
10/05/15 11:58:31Detected42.9905-65.4140Fin: 4 classified calls in 6 call pattern with fairly consistent but long (~14s) IPI. Enough for detected
10/05/15 12:58:31Possibly detected42.9850-65.4285Fin: 3 classified calls in pattern with long ~15s IPI. Enough for possible.
10/05/15 14:58:31Detected42.9806-65.4628Fin pulses here look a little more like downsweeps than usual, but the rest of the pattern is convincing. Check spectrogram
10/05/15 15:58:31Detected42.9762-65.4554
10/05/15 17:58:31Detected42.9777-65.5079Multiple fins calling
10/05/15 20:58:31Possibly detected42.9660-65.4791Fin: 3 classified fin calls in pattern at the end of the track, enough for possible
10/05/15 22:58:31Detected42.9529-65.4465Very interesting doublet fin pulse pattern. Check spectrogram.
10/05/15 23:58:31Detected42.9482-65.4372


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/05/15 03:58:3143.0335-65.4604Fin: several classified calls in p3-4, but call omissions obscure the pattern.
10/05/15 07:58:3143.0177-65.4641Fin: several classified calls in p13, but pattern is difficult to distinguish. At least 3 calls with consisten ~8s IPI, enough for possible.
10/05/15 09:58:3143.0008-65.4251Fin: 3 classified calls in pattern with ~10s IPI in p10-11. Several of the calls are "doubled". They're all very faint and amid a fair amount of LF background noise. This is borderline, not quite convincing enough for possible. Check spectrogram.
10/05/15 11:58:3142.9905-65.4140Fin: 4 classified calls in 6 call pattern with fairly consistent but long (~14s) IPI. Enough for detected
10/05/15 12:58:3142.9850-65.4285Fin: 3 classified calls in pattern with long ~15s IPI. Enough for possible.
10/05/15 13:58:3142.9798-65.42113 classified fin calls in pattern in p9-10 but too faint and amid too much noise for a possible
10/05/15 14:58:3142.9806-65.4628Fin pulses here look a little more like downsweeps than usual, but the rest of the pattern is convincing. Check spectrogram
10/05/15 16:58:3142.9787-65.5027Lot's of LF noise in p8 that's classified as fin.
10/05/15 17:58:3142.9777-65.5079Multiple fins calling
10/05/15 20:58:3142.9660-65.4791Fin: 3 classified fin calls in pattern at the end of the track, enough for possible
10/05/15 22:58:3142.9529-65.4465Very interesting doublet fin pulse pattern. Check spectrogram.
