Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
02/23/22 00:15:19 | Detected | 39.1200 | -74.2335 | |
02/23/22 00:24:36 | Detected | 39.1212 | -74.2310 | |
02/23/22 00:39:36 | Detected | 39.1210 | -74.2274 | |
02/23/22 01:24:36 | Detected | 39.1203 | -74.2165 | |
02/23/22 01:39:36 | Detected | 39.1201 | -74.2128 | |
02/23/22 02:23:32 | Possibly detected | 39.1196 | -74.2024 | |
02/23/22 02:54:36 | Possibly detected | 39.1192 | -74.1931 | |
02/23/22 07:24:36 | Detected | 39.1061 | -74.1197 | |
02/23/22 07:39:36 | Detected | 39.1053 | -74.1169 | |
02/23/22 08:24:36 | Detected | 39.1029 | -74.1082 | |
02/23/22 08:39:36 | Detected | 39.1021 | -74.1054 | |
02/23/22 15:35:29 | Detected | 39.0728 | -74.0447 |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
02/23/22 23:54:36 | Possibly detected | 39.0361 | -73.9779 | Three possible upcalls with one classification in P1 and 4 but they’re all very faint and short. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
02/23/22 04:54:36 | Detected | 39.1146 | -74.1576 | |
02/23/22 05:24:36 | Possibly detected | 39.1126 | -74.1492 | |
02/23/22 05:39:36 | Detected | 39.1115 | -74.1450 | |
02/23/22 12:39:36 | Detected | 39.0887 | -74.0733 | |
02/23/22 13:39:36 | Detected | 39.0834 | -74.0638 | |
02/23/22 13:54:36 | Detected | 39.0821 | -74.0614 | |
02/23/22 15:09:36 | Possibly detected | 39.0755 | -74.0495 |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
02/23/22 23:54:36 | 39.0361 | -73.9779 | Three possible upcalls with one classification in P1 and 4 but they’re all very faint and short. |