Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/21/22 00:07:44 | Detected | 42.6250 | -70.2295 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 00:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6267 | -70.2296 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P3-4. |
04/21/22 01:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6316 | -70.2298 | Three singlets with one classification in P1, 3, and 4. |
04/21/22 01:22:44 | Detected | 42.6333 | -70.2298 | One classified doublet in P15. |
04/21/22 01:37:44 | Detected | 42.6349 | -70.2299 | One classified doublet in P2 and a couple of other singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 02:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6383 | -70.2279 | A few possible faint unclassified singlets and one doublet in P3-6. |
04/21/22 02:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6389 | -70.2258 | Two possible singlets with one classification in P5 and 7. |
04/21/22 03:07:44 | Detected | 42.6395 | -70.2236 | One classified doublet in P4 and a couple of possible unclassified singlets later in the period. |
04/21/22 03:22:44 | Detected | 42.6402 | -70.2214 | One classified doublet in P7 and a couple of other singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 04:21:42 | Detected | 42.6427 | -70.2128 | One classified doublet in P6. |
04/21/22 05:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6421 | -70.2032 | One classified singlet in P16. |
04/21/22 05:37:44 | Detected | 42.6425 | -70.1998 | Two doublets, one classified and one unclassified, in P6. |
04/21/22 06:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6435 | -70.1931 | One faint unclassified doublet in P4 and one faint classified singlet in P9. |
04/21/22 06:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6439 | -70.1897 | Two possible faint unclassified singlets in P11 and 13. |
04/21/22 06:44:28 | Possibly detected | 42.6446 | -70.1846 | Two possible unclassified singlets in P2 and 6 but they’re very short and faint and could also be noise. |
04/21/22 07:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6445 | -70.1845 | Two possible singlets with one classification in P4 and 12. |
04/21/22 10:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6418 | -70.1926 | One classified singlet in P16. |
04/21/22 10:52:44 | Detected | 42.6399 | -70.1940 | One classified doublet in P5. |
04/21/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6381 | -70.1953 | One classified singlet in P4. |
04/21/22 12:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6332 | -70.2085 | One possible faint classified singlet in P5. |
04/21/22 12:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6319 | -70.2105 | Two classified singlets in P10 and 13 with another very faint unclassified possible singlet toward the beginning of P10. |
04/21/22 13:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6305 | -70.2126 | One unclassified singlet in P13. |
04/21/22 15:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6241 | -70.2231 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 16:07:44 | Detected | 42.6171 | -70.2239 | One faint classified doublet in P16 and another probable unclassified doublet in P15. |
04/21/22 16:13:54 | Detected | 42.6171 | -70.2239 | Faint classified doublet in P1 (used to score the previous period). |
04/21/22 16:37:44 | Detected | 42.6172 | -70.2219 | One classified doublet in P10. |
04/21/22 17:07:44 | Detected | 42.6129 | -70.2191 | At least four singlets with three classifications (one call type 17) in P3, 5, and 15. |
04/21/22 17:22:44 | Detected | 42.6108 | -70.2177 | One classified doublet in P1. |
04/21/22 18:07:44 | Detected | 42.6044 | -70.2134 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 18:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6022 | -70.2119 | One unclassified doublet in P1 and one unclassified singlet in P2. |
04/21/22 19:07:44 | Detected | 42.6025 | -70.2010 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 19:22:44 | Detected | 42.6006 | -70.1994 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:07:44 | Detected | 42.5947 | -70.1945 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:22:44 | Detected | 42.5928 | -70.1929 | One classified doublet in P2 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 22:07:44 | Detected | 42.5847 | -70.1856 | Two classified doublets in P12 and 14 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 22:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5837 | -70.1867 | One classified singlet in P10 and other possible faint unclassified downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 23:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5805 | -70.1899 | One classified singlet in P13 and other unclassified singlets throughout the period that don’t fit into the HW song pattern. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/21/22 00:07:44 | Detected | 42.6250 | -70.2295 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 00:22:44 | Detected | 42.6267 | -70.2296 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P3-4. |
04/21/22 01:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6316 | -70.2298 | Three singlets with one classification in P1, 3, and 4. |
04/21/22 04:07:44 | Detected | 42.6420 | -70.2149 | |
04/21/22 04:21:42 | Detected | 42.6427 | -70.2128 | One classified doublet in P6. |
04/21/22 05:07:44 | Detected | 42.6416 | -70.2065 | |
04/21/22 05:22:44 | Detected | 42.6421 | -70.2032 | One classified singlet in P16. |
04/21/22 06:07:44 | Detected | 42.6435 | -70.1931 | One faint unclassified doublet in P4 and one faint classified singlet in P9. |
04/21/22 06:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6439 | -70.1897 | Two possible faint unclassified singlets in P11 and 13. |
04/21/22 10:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6454 | -70.1898 | |
04/21/22 10:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6399 | -70.1940 | One classified doublet in P5. |
04/21/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6381 | -70.1953 | One classified singlet in P4. |
04/21/22 12:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6332 | -70.2085 | One possible faint classified singlet in P5. |
04/21/22 12:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6319 | -70.2105 | Two classified singlets in P10 and 13 with another very faint unclassified possible singlet toward the beginning of P10. |
04/21/22 13:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6305 | -70.2126 | One unclassified singlet in P13. |
04/21/22 14:22:44 | Detected | 42.6294 | -70.2224 | |
04/21/22 14:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6276 | -70.2226 | |
04/21/22 15:07:44 | Detected | 42.6241 | -70.2231 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:07:44 | Detected | 42.5947 | -70.1945 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5928 | -70.1929 | One classified doublet in P2 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/21/22 00:07:44 | Detected | 42.6250 | -70.2295 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 00:22:44 | Detected | 42.6267 | -70.2296 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P3-4. |
04/21/22 01:07:44 | Detected | 42.6316 | -70.2298 | Three singlets with one classification in P1, 3, and 4. |
04/21/22 01:22:44 | Detected | 42.6333 | -70.2298 | One classified doublet in P15. |
04/21/22 01:37:44 | Detected | 42.6349 | -70.2299 | One classified doublet in P2 and a couple of other singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 01:58:06 | Detected | 42.6366 | -70.2299 | |
04/21/22 02:37:44 | Detected | 42.6383 | -70.2279 | A few possible faint unclassified singlets and one doublet in P3-6. |
04/21/22 02:52:44 | Detected | 42.6389 | -70.2258 | Two possible singlets with one classification in P5 and 7. |
04/21/22 03:07:44 | Detected | 42.6395 | -70.2236 | One classified doublet in P4 and a couple of possible unclassified singlets later in the period. |
04/21/22 03:22:44 | Detected | 42.6402 | -70.2214 | One classified doublet in P7 and a couple of other singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 04:07:44 | Detected | 42.6420 | -70.2149 | |
04/21/22 04:21:42 | Possibly detected | 42.6427 | -70.2128 | One classified doublet in P6. |
04/21/22 05:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6425 | -70.1998 | Two doublets, one classified and one unclassified, in P6. |
04/21/22 09:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6490 | -70.1871 | |
04/21/22 09:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.6472 | -70.1884 | |
04/21/22 15:07:44 | Detected | 42.6241 | -70.2231 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 18:07:44 | Detected | 42.6044 | -70.2134 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5928 | -70.1929 | One classified doublet in P2 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:57:26 | Detected | 42.5888 | -70.1896 | |
04/21/22 21:22:44 | Detected | 42.5879 | -70.1824 | |
04/21/22 21:37:44 | Detected | 42.5868 | -70.1835 | |
04/21/22 22:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5847 | -70.1856 | Two classified doublets in P12 and 14 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 22:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5837 | -70.1867 | One classified singlet in P10 and other possible faint unclassified downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 22:37:44 | Detected | 42.5826 | -70.1878 | |
04/21/22 23:07:44 | Detected | 42.5805 | -70.1899 | One classified singlet in P13 and other unclassified singlets throughout the period that don’t fit into the HW song pattern. |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/21/22 00:07:44 | 42.6250 | -70.2295 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 00:22:44 | 42.6267 | -70.2296 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P3-4. |
04/21/22 01:07:44 | 42.6316 | -70.2298 | Three singlets with one classification in P1, 3, and 4. |
04/21/22 01:22:44 | 42.6333 | -70.2298 | One classified doublet in P15. |
04/21/22 01:37:44 | 42.6349 | -70.2299 | One classified doublet in P2 and a couple of other singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 02:37:44 | 42.6383 | -70.2279 | A few possible faint unclassified singlets and one doublet in P3-6. |
04/21/22 02:52:44 | 42.6389 | -70.2258 | Two possible singlets with one classification in P5 and 7. |
04/21/22 03:07:44 | 42.6395 | -70.2236 | One classified doublet in P4 and a couple of possible unclassified singlets later in the period. |
04/21/22 03:22:44 | 42.6402 | -70.2214 | One classified doublet in P7 and a couple of other singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 04:21:42 | 42.6427 | -70.2128 | One classified doublet in P6. |
04/21/22 05:22:44 | 42.6421 | -70.2032 | One classified singlet in P16. |
04/21/22 05:37:44 | 42.6425 | -70.1998 | Two doublets, one classified and one unclassified, in P6. |
04/21/22 06:07:44 | 42.6435 | -70.1931 | One faint unclassified doublet in P4 and one faint classified singlet in P9. |
04/21/22 06:22:44 | 42.6439 | -70.1897 | Two possible faint unclassified singlets in P11 and 13. |
04/21/22 06:44:28 | 42.6446 | -70.1846 | Two possible unclassified singlets in P2 and 6 but they’re very short and faint and could also be noise. |
04/21/22 07:22:44 | 42.6445 | -70.1845 | Two possible singlets with one classification in P4 and 12. |
04/21/22 10:37:44 | 42.6418 | -70.1926 | One classified singlet in P16. |
04/21/22 10:52:44 | 42.6399 | -70.1940 | One classified doublet in P5. |
04/21/22 11:07:44 | 42.6381 | -70.1953 | One classified singlet in P4. |
04/21/22 12:37:44 | 42.6332 | -70.2085 | One possible faint classified singlet in P5. |
04/21/22 12:52:44 | 42.6319 | -70.2105 | Two classified singlets in P10 and 13 with another very faint unclassified possible singlet toward the beginning of P10. |
04/21/22 13:07:44 | 42.6305 | -70.2126 | One unclassified singlet in P13. |
04/21/22 15:07:44 | 42.6241 | -70.2231 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 16:07:44 | 42.6171 | -70.2239 | One faint classified doublet in P16 and another probable unclassified doublet in P15. |
04/21/22 16:13:54 | 42.6171 | -70.2239 | Faint classified doublet in P1 (used to score the previous period). |
04/21/22 16:37:44 | 42.6172 | -70.2219 | One classified doublet in P10. |
04/21/22 17:07:44 | 42.6129 | -70.2191 | At least four singlets with three classifications (one call type 17) in P3, 5, and 15. |
04/21/22 17:22:44 | 42.6108 | -70.2177 | One classified doublet in P1. |
04/21/22 18:07:44 | 42.6044 | -70.2134 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 18:22:44 | 42.6022 | -70.2119 | One unclassified doublet in P1 and one unclassified singlet in P2. |
04/21/22 19:07:44 | 42.6025 | -70.2010 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 19:22:44 | 42.6006 | -70.1994 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:07:44 | 42.5947 | -70.1945 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/21/22 20:22:44 | 42.5928 | -70.1929 | One classified doublet in P2 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 22:07:44 | 42.5847 | -70.1856 | Two classified doublets in P12 and 14 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 22:22:44 | 42.5837 | -70.1867 | One classified singlet in P10 and other possible faint unclassified downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/21/22 23:07:44 | 42.5805 | -70.1899 | One classified singlet in P13 and other unclassified singlets throughout the period that don’t fit into the HW song pattern. |