Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/29/22 00:07:44 | Detected | 42.3845 | -70.4137 | One classified isolated doublet in P3-4 and other singlets and possible doublets throughout the period but most of the doublets look like they’re part of the HW song. |
04/29/22 02:07:44 | Detected | 42.3774 | -70.3834 | One classified doublet with call type 17 in P7 and a couple of other singlets and another possible doublet throughout the period. |
04/29/22 03:07:44 | Detected | 42.3755 | -70.3639 | One classified doublet in P2. |
04/29/22 04:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3701 | -70.3498 | Two classified singlets in P2 and 15 and other loud unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 04:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3688 | -70.3465 | One probable unclassified doublet in P4 and other short unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 05:07:44 | Detected | 42.3647 | -70.3365 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 05:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3633 | -70.3332 | One classified singlet and possible unclassified singlet in P4. |
04/29/22 06:07:44 | Detected | 42.3571 | -70.3294 | One classified doublet and singlet in P3 and other LF downsweeps in P2 and 3 but they are steeper and vary in frequency, possible HW? |
04/29/22 07:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3517 | -70.3329 | One unclassified doublet in P6 that has the correct shape for SW downsweeps, but there are other classified and unclassified downsweeps throughout the period that are steeper and look more like HW. |
04/29/22 08:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3432 | -70.3391 | One possible unclassified singlet in P5 but there are a couple of tiny loud downsweeps in the next panel that could be HW or noise. |
04/29/22 09:07:44 | Detected | 42.3426 | -70.3373 | Classified doublet in P15 and other singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 09:22:44 | Detected | 42.3423 | -70.3364 | Classified doublet in P12 (the downsweeps almost look far enough apart to be singlets) and classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 10:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3413 | -70.3337 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period, but only two classifications. |
04/29/22 10:22:44 | Detected | 42.3410 | -70.3328 | One classified doublet in P8 and a couple of probable unclassified singlets in P1 and 8. |
04/29/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3404 | -70.3291 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period but most look like they are patterned HW downsweeps? One longer unclassified singlet in P9 that looks more like SW. |
04/29/22 12:07:44 | Detected | 42.3431 | -70.3136 | Classified triplet in P11 with some other possible SW downsweeps in P12 but some of them are higher frequency. SW song? Or HW? |
04/29/22 12:22:44 | Detected | 42.3437 | -70.3097 | Classified doublet in P14 and other unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 13:22:44 | Detected | 42.3441 | -70.2943 | Faint classified doublet in P8. |
04/29/22 18:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3760 | -70.2699 | Two possible unclassified singlets in P6 and 7. |
04/29/22 18:22:44 | Detected | 42.3750 | -70.2705 | Classified doublet in P3 directly overlapped with what looks like a HW moan. Two classified RW upcalls in P7 and 9 but there are some random HW vocalizations throughout the period and the upcalls could be part of that. The first upcall is a bit steep and the second is flatter than typical RW upcalls. |
04/29/22 19:07:44 | Detected | 42.3719 | -70.2722 | Classified doublet in P6. There are other downsweeps throughout the period but some may be HW. |
04/29/22 19:57:35 | Detected | 42.3688 | -70.2739 | Two classified singlets in P2. |
04/29/22 20:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3673 | -70.2790 | Two loud unclassified singlets in P3 and 4. There could actually be two downsweeps overlapping each other in P4. |
04/29/22 20:37:44 | Detected | 42.3668 | -70.2797 | Very nice classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 21:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3658 | -70.2810 | One classified singlet in P14. |
04/29/22 22:07:44 | Detected | 42.3639 | -70.2837 | Classified doublet in P9 and other unclassified singlet and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 23:07:44 | Detected | 42.3630 | -70.2828 | Classified doublet in P3 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/29/22 23:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3630 | -70.2801 | One classified singlet in P3. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/29/22 01:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3788 | -70.3980 | |
04/29/22 02:07:44 | Detected | 42.3774 | -70.3834 | One classified doublet with call type 17 in P7 and a couple of other singlets and another possible doublet throughout the period. |
04/29/22 09:22:44 | Detected | 42.3423 | -70.3364 | Classified doublet in P12 (the downsweeps almost look far enough apart to be singlets) and classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 10:07:44 | Detected | 42.3413 | -70.3337 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period, but only two classifications. |
04/29/22 10:22:44 | Detected | 42.3410 | -70.3328 | One classified doublet in P8 and a couple of probable unclassified singlets in P1 and 8. |
04/29/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3404 | -70.3291 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period but most look like they are patterned HW downsweeps? One longer unclassified singlet in P9 that looks more like SW. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/29/22 00:07:44 | Detected | 42.3845 | -70.4137 | One classified isolated doublet in P3-4 and other singlets and possible doublets throughout the period but most of the doublets look like they’re part of the HW song. |
04/29/22 00:55:01 | Detected | 42.3814 | -70.4030 | |
04/29/22 01:22:44 | Detected | 42.3788 | -70.3980 | |
04/29/22 02:07:44 | Detected | 42.3774 | -70.3834 | One classified doublet with call type 17 in P7 and a couple of other singlets and another possible doublet throughout the period. |
04/29/22 03:07:44 | Detected | 42.3755 | -70.3639 | One classified doublet in P2. |
04/29/22 06:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3571 | -70.3294 | One classified doublet and singlet in P3 and other LF downsweeps in P2 and 3 but they are steeper and vary in frequency, possible HW? |
04/29/22 06:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3558 | -70.3303 | It’s difficult to tell but most of the LF downsweeps in this period are either short or steep and look more like possible HW. |
04/29/22 07:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3517 | -70.3329 | One unclassified doublet in P6 that has the correct shape for SW downsweeps, but there are other classified and unclassified downsweeps throughout the period that are steeper and look more like HW. |
04/29/22 08:03:39 | Possibly detected | 42.3464 | -70.3362 | One classified downsweep in P3 but all the LF downsweeps in this period are steep and could be HW. |
04/29/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3404 | -70.3291 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period but most look like they are patterned HW downsweeps? One longer unclassified singlet in P9 that looks more like SW. |
04/29/22 13:22:44 | Detected | 42.3441 | -70.2943 | Faint classified doublet in P8. |
04/29/22 18:22:44 | Detected | 42.3750 | -70.2705 | Classified doublet in P3 directly overlapped with what looks like a HW moan. Two classified RW upcalls in P7 and 9 but there are some random HW vocalizations throughout the period and the upcalls could be part of that. The first upcall is a bit steep and the second is flatter than typical RW upcalls. |
04/29/22 19:07:44 | Detected | 42.3719 | -70.2722 | Classified doublet in P6. There are other downsweeps throughout the period but some may be HW. |
04/29/22 20:37:44 | Detected | 42.3668 | -70.2797 | Very nice classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 21:07:44 | Detected | 42.3658 | -70.2810 | One classified singlet in P14. |
04/29/22 21:22:44 | Detected | 42.3654 | -70.2817 | |
04/29/22 22:07:44 | Detected | 42.3639 | -70.2837 | Classified doublet in P9 and other unclassified singlet and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 23:07:44 | Detected | 42.3630 | -70.2828 | Classified doublet in P3 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/29/22 23:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3630 | -70.2801 | One classified singlet in P3. |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
04/29/22 00:07:44 | 42.3845 | -70.4137 | One classified isolated doublet in P3-4 and other singlets and possible doublets throughout the period but most of the doublets look like they’re part of the HW song. |
04/29/22 02:07:44 | 42.3774 | -70.3834 | One classified doublet with call type 17 in P7 and a couple of other singlets and another possible doublet throughout the period. |
04/29/22 03:07:44 | 42.3755 | -70.3639 | One classified doublet in P2. |
04/29/22 04:07:44 | 42.3701 | -70.3498 | Two classified singlets in P2 and 15 and other loud unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 04:22:44 | 42.3688 | -70.3465 | One probable unclassified doublet in P4 and other short unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 05:07:44 | 42.3647 | -70.3365 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 05:22:44 | 42.3633 | -70.3332 | One classified singlet and possible unclassified singlet in P4. |
04/29/22 06:07:44 | 42.3571 | -70.3294 | One classified doublet and singlet in P3 and other LF downsweeps in P2 and 3 but they are steeper and vary in frequency, possible HW? |
04/29/22 06:22:44 | 42.3558 | -70.3303 | It’s difficult to tell but most of the LF downsweeps in this period are either short or steep and look more like possible HW. |
04/29/22 07:07:44 | 42.3517 | -70.3329 | One unclassified doublet in P6 that has the correct shape for SW downsweeps, but there are other classified and unclassified downsweeps throughout the period that are steeper and look more like HW. |
04/29/22 08:03:39 | 42.3464 | -70.3362 | One classified downsweep in P3 but all the LF downsweeps in this period are steep and could be HW. |
04/29/22 08:37:44 | 42.3432 | -70.3391 | One possible unclassified singlet in P5 but there are a couple of tiny loud downsweeps in the next panel that could be HW or noise. |
04/29/22 09:07:44 | 42.3426 | -70.3373 | Classified doublet in P15 and other singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 09:22:44 | 42.3423 | -70.3364 | Classified doublet in P12 (the downsweeps almost look far enough apart to be singlets) and classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 10:07:44 | 42.3413 | -70.3337 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period, but only two classifications. |
04/29/22 10:22:44 | 42.3410 | -70.3328 | One classified doublet in P8 and a couple of probable unclassified singlets in P1 and 8. |
04/29/22 11:07:44 | 42.3404 | -70.3291 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period but most look like they are patterned HW downsweeps? One longer unclassified singlet in P9 that looks more like SW. |
04/29/22 11:22:44 | 42.3411 | -70.3252 | One classified singlet in P2 but it’s very short and there’s a lot of faint noise around it. |
04/29/22 12:07:44 | 42.3431 | -70.3136 | Classified triplet in P11 with some other possible SW downsweeps in P12 but some of them are higher frequency. SW song? Or HW? |
04/29/22 12:22:44 | 42.3437 | -70.3097 | Classified doublet in P14 and other unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 13:22:44 | 42.3441 | -70.2943 | Faint classified doublet in P8. |
04/29/22 18:07:44 | 42.3760 | -70.2699 | Two possible unclassified singlets in P6 and 7. |
04/29/22 18:22:44 | 42.3750 | -70.2705 | Classified doublet in P3 directly overlapped with what looks like a HW moan. Two classified RW upcalls in P7 and 9 but there are some random HW vocalizations throughout the period and the upcalls could be part of that. The first upcall is a bit steep and the second is flatter than typical RW upcalls. |
04/29/22 19:07:44 | 42.3719 | -70.2722 | Classified doublet in P6. There are other downsweeps throughout the period but some may be HW. |
04/29/22 19:57:35 | 42.3688 | -70.2739 | Two classified singlets in P2. |
04/29/22 20:22:44 | 42.3673 | -70.2790 | Two loud unclassified singlets in P3 and 4. There could actually be two downsweeps overlapping each other in P4. |
04/29/22 20:37:44 | 42.3668 | -70.2797 | Very nice classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 21:07:44 | 42.3658 | -70.2810 | One classified singlet in P14. |
04/29/22 22:07:44 | 42.3639 | -70.2837 | Classified doublet in P9 and other unclassified singlet and doublets throughout the period. |
04/29/22 23:07:44 | 42.3630 | -70.2828 | Classified doublet in P3 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
04/29/22 23:22:44 | 42.3630 | -70.2801 | One classified singlet in P3. |