Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/06/22 00:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4693 | -70.6633 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with possible unclassified doublets in P3 and 8. One classified upcall in P6. |
05/06/22 00:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4683 | -70.6614 | Classified and unclassified upcalls throughout the period. There is on downsweep in P16 that looks like it could be HW but no other evidence of presence. Two possible SW singlets in P3 and 12 and a possible unclassified doublet in P5. |
05/06/22 00:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4673 | -70.6595 | One classified upcall in P1. A couple of classified SW downsweeps in P3 and 4 but the first one has another downsweep immediately following it and all of them are very short. |
05/06/22 01:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4627 | -70.6552 | One singlet in P3 with a call type 17 classification and a couple of other possible unclassified singlets in P4 and 5. |
05/06/22 02:07:44 | Detected | 42.4599 | -70.6492 | Three classified singlets in P4, 12, and 13 that are louder than any of the faint possible HW song. |
05/06/22 02:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4590 | -70.6472 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with a possible unclassified doublet in P14. |
05/06/22 03:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4562 | -70.6411 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with possible doublets in P5, 14, and 15. |
05/06/22 03:20:23 | Detected | 42.4553 | -70.6393 | One classified doublet in P3 and other singlets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 03:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4522 | -70.6391 | One classified singlet in P13 and a couple of other unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 04:07:44 | Detected | 42.4520 | -70.6364 | One classified doublet in P16. |
05/06/22 04:22:44 | Detected | 42.4517 | -70.6338 | One classified doublet in P1 (also scored in the previous period) and a couple of other unclassified doublets later in this period. |
05/06/22 04:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4514 | -70.6311 | One classified singlet in P3. |
05/06/22 04:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4511 | -70.6284 | One classified singlet in P12. |
05/06/22 06:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4497 | -70.6208 | One possible unclassified doublet in P3. |
05/06/22 06:22:44 | Detected | 42.4497 | -70.6180 | One classified doublet in P2 (with another singlet immediately following it?) and other singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 06:37:44 | Detected | 42.4497 | -70.6149 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 06:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4496 | -70.6118 | Three singlets with two classifications in P5 and 6. |
05/06/22 07:07:44 | Detected | 42.4496 | -70.6087 | Three classified singlets in P1, 2, and 9 (one with a call type 17 classification) and other unclassified singlets throughout the period. Also a possible faint doublet at the end of P14. |
05/06/22 07:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4495 | -70.6057 | One possible unclassified singlet in P2. |
05/06/22 08:06:36 | Detected | 42.4494 | -70.5964 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 08:37:44 | Detected | 42.4499 | -70.5958 | One unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P7 and possible faint singlets in this period. |
05/06/22 08:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4499 | -70.5934 | One unclassified singlet and doublet in P1 and 2. |
05/06/22 09:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4498 | -70.5910 | Possible unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 10:07:44 | Detected | 42.4495 | -70.5814 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 10:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4495 | -70.5790 | One classified singlet in P9 and a couple of other possible unclassified singlets in this period but they’re all short and/or faint. |
05/06/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4503 | -70.5808 | One classified singlet in P2 and many other unclassified singlets and doublets in this period but most have steeper downsweeps. They don’t appear to follow a consistent pattern though which would suggest HW. |
05/06/22 11:22:44 | Detected | 42.4500 | -70.5794 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 12:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4489 | -70.5740 | Three classified RW upcalls in P3 and 6 but the one in P3 is very faint. Possible classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 13:01:21 | Detected | 42.4482 | -70.5707 | Three faint but classified singlets in P1, 2, and 4 and other unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 13:37:44 | Detected | 42.4496 | -70.5754 | One classified doublet in P11. |
05/06/22 14:07:44 | Detected | 42.4476 | -70.5731 | One unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P3 with a few other possible downsweeps throughout the period. |
05/06/22 14:22:44 | Detected | 42.4466 | -70.5720 | No classified doublets here but loud and clear singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 15:07:44 | Detected | 42.4437 | -70.5686 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 15:22:44 | Detected | 42.4427 | -70.5675 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 16:07:44 | Detected | 42.4442 | -70.5689 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 16:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4433 | -70.5675 | Two possible unclassified singlets in P10 and 15. |
05/06/22 16:37:44 | Detected | 42.4425 | -70.5660 | Three classified singlets in P5, 6, and 11 and other unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 16:52:44 | Detected | 42.4416 | -70.5646 | One unclassified but loud and clear doublet in P3 and another unclassified doublet and singlet in P2 and 4. |
05/06/22 17:07:44 | Detected | 42.4407 | -70.5631 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 17:22:44 | Detected | 42.4399 | -70.5617 | Classified and unclassified RW upcalls and SW doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 17:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4390 | -70.5603 | Two unclassified upcalls and a singlet and doublet in P1 and 2. |
05/06/22 18:22:44 | Detected | 42.4392 | -70.5564 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Three classified upcalls in P3, 5, and 15. |
05/06/22 18:37:44 | Detected | 42.4387 | -70.5544 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. One possible faint classified upcall in P6. |
05/06/22 18:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4383 | -70.5525 | Two possible unclassified upcalls in P3 and 4. Three classified SW downsweeps in P4 that are very close together, could also be HW? |
05/06/22 19:07:44 | Detected | 42.4379 | -70.5505 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Classified and unclassified RW upcalls in P4 and 15. |
05/06/22 19:22:44 | Detected | 42.4375 | -70.5486 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Two possible unclassified upcalls in P2 and 9 but the pitch tracks are very short. |
05/06/22 20:11:18 | Detected | 42.4362 | -70.5428 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 21:07:44 | Detected | 42.4353 | -70.5373 | Classified and unclassified doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 21:22:44 | Detected | 42.4348 | -70.5357 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 23:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4317 | -70.5273 | A few possible singlets with one classification in P6 and a probable unclassified doublet in P8. |
05/06/22 23:22:44 | Detected | 42.4304 | -70.5266 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 23:37:44 | Detected | 42.4292 | -70.5259 | Classified and unclassified doublets in P11 and 15. |
05/06/22 23:52:44 | Detected | 42.4279 | -70.5253 | One classified doublet in P3. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/06/22 20:07:44 | Detected | 42.4362 | -70.5428 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/06/22 00:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4693 | -70.6633 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with possible unclassified doublets in P3 and 8. One classified upcall in P6. |
05/06/22 00:22:44 | Detected | 42.4683 | -70.6614 | Classified and unclassified upcalls throughout the period. There is on downsweep in P16 that looks like it could be HW but no other evidence of presence. Two possible SW singlets in P3 and 12 and a possible unclassified doublet in P5. |
05/06/22 00:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4673 | -70.6595 | One classified upcall in P1. A couple of classified SW downsweeps in P3 and 4 but the first one has another downsweep immediately following it and all of them are very short. |
05/06/22 12:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4489 | -70.5740 | Three classified RW upcalls in P3 and 6 but the one in P3 is very faint. Possible classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 17:22:44 | Detected | 42.4399 | -70.5617 | Classified and unclassified RW upcalls and SW doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 17:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4390 | -70.5603 | Two unclassified upcalls and a singlet and doublet in P1 and 2. |
05/06/22 18:22:44 | Detected | 42.4392 | -70.5564 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Three classified upcalls in P3, 5, and 15. |
05/06/22 18:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4387 | -70.5544 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. One possible faint classified upcall in P6. |
05/06/22 18:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4383 | -70.5525 | Two possible unclassified upcalls in P3 and 4. Three classified SW downsweeps in P4 that are very close together, could also be HW? |
05/06/22 19:07:44 | Detected | 42.4379 | -70.5505 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Classified and unclassified RW upcalls in P4 and 15. |
05/06/22 19:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4375 | -70.5486 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Two possible unclassified upcalls in P2 and 9 but the pitch tracks are very short. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/06/22 00:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4683 | -70.6614 | Classified and unclassified upcalls throughout the period. There is on downsweep in P16 that looks like it could be HW but no other evidence of presence. Two possible SW singlets in P3 and 12 and a possible unclassified doublet in P5. |
05/06/22 00:59:04 | Detected | 42.4663 | -70.6576 | |
05/06/22 01:37:44 | Detected | 42.4617 | -70.6532 | |
05/06/22 01:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4608 | -70.6512 | |
05/06/22 02:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4599 | -70.6492 | Three classified singlets in P4, 12, and 13 that are louder than any of the faint possible HW song. |
05/06/22 07:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4496 | -70.6087 | Three classified singlets in P1, 2, and 9 (one with a call type 17 classification) and other unclassified singlets throughout the period. Also a possible faint doublet at the end of P14. |
05/06/22 08:06:36 | Possibly detected | 42.4494 | -70.5964 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 21:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4353 | -70.5373 | Classified and unclassified doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 21:22:44 | Detected | 42.4348 | -70.5357 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 22:22:44 | Detected | 42.4326 | -70.5292 | |
05/06/22 22:37:44 | Detected | 42.4321 | -70.5275 | |
05/06/22 23:07:44 | Detected | 42.4317 | -70.5273 | A few possible singlets with one classification in P6 and a probable unclassified doublet in P8. |
05/06/22 23:22:44 | Detected | 42.4304 | -70.5266 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 23:37:44 | Detected | 42.4292 | -70.5259 | Classified and unclassified doublets in P11 and 15. |
05/06/22 23:52:44 | Detected | 42.4279 | -70.5253 | One classified doublet in P3. |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/06/22 00:07:44 | 42.4693 | -70.6633 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with possible unclassified doublets in P3 and 8. One classified upcall in P6. |
05/06/22 00:22:44 | 42.4683 | -70.6614 | Classified and unclassified upcalls throughout the period. There is on downsweep in P16 that looks like it could be HW but no other evidence of presence. Two possible SW singlets in P3 and 12 and a possible unclassified doublet in P5. |
05/06/22 00:37:44 | 42.4673 | -70.6595 | One classified upcall in P1. A couple of classified SW downsweeps in P3 and 4 but the first one has another downsweep immediately following it and all of them are very short. |
05/06/22 01:22:44 | 42.4627 | -70.6552 | One singlet in P3 with a call type 17 classification and a couple of other possible unclassified singlets in P4 and 5. |
05/06/22 02:07:44 | 42.4599 | -70.6492 | Three classified singlets in P4, 12, and 13 that are louder than any of the faint possible HW song. |
05/06/22 02:22:44 | 42.4590 | -70.6472 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with a possible unclassified doublet in P14. |
05/06/22 03:07:44 | 42.4562 | -70.6411 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with possible doublets in P5, 14, and 15. |
05/06/22 03:20:23 | 42.4553 | -70.6393 | One classified doublet in P3 and other singlets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 03:52:44 | 42.4522 | -70.6391 | One classified singlet in P13 and a couple of other unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 04:07:44 | 42.4520 | -70.6364 | One classified doublet in P16. |
05/06/22 04:22:44 | 42.4517 | -70.6338 | One classified doublet in P1 (also scored in the previous period) and a couple of other unclassified doublets later in this period. |
05/06/22 04:37:44 | 42.4514 | -70.6311 | One classified singlet in P3. |
05/06/22 04:52:44 | 42.4511 | -70.6284 | One classified singlet in P12. |
05/06/22 06:07:44 | 42.4497 | -70.6208 | One possible unclassified doublet in P3. |
05/06/22 06:22:44 | 42.4497 | -70.6180 | One classified doublet in P2 (with another singlet immediately following it?) and other singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 06:37:44 | 42.4497 | -70.6149 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 06:52:44 | 42.4496 | -70.6118 | Three singlets with two classifications in P5 and 6. |
05/06/22 07:07:44 | 42.4496 | -70.6087 | Three classified singlets in P1, 2, and 9 (one with a call type 17 classification) and other unclassified singlets throughout the period. Also a possible faint doublet at the end of P14. |
05/06/22 07:22:44 | 42.4495 | -70.6057 | One possible unclassified singlet in P2. |
05/06/22 08:06:36 | 42.4494 | -70.5964 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 08:37:44 | 42.4499 | -70.5958 | One unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P7 and possible faint singlets in this period. |
05/06/22 08:52:44 | 42.4499 | -70.5934 | One unclassified singlet and doublet in P1 and 2. |
05/06/22 09:07:44 | 42.4498 | -70.5910 | Possible unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 09:22:44 | 42.4497 | -70.5886 | One possible classified singlet in P1 but it’s very short and could be LF noise. |
05/06/22 10:07:44 | 42.4495 | -70.5814 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 10:22:44 | 42.4495 | -70.5790 | One classified singlet in P9 and a couple of other possible unclassified singlets in this period but they’re all short and/or faint. |
05/06/22 11:07:44 | 42.4503 | -70.5808 | One classified singlet in P2 and many other unclassified singlets and doublets in this period but most have steeper downsweeps. They don’t appear to follow a consistent pattern though which would suggest HW. |
05/06/22 11:22:44 | 42.4500 | -70.5794 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 12:22:44 | 42.4489 | -70.5740 | Three classified RW upcalls in P3 and 6 but the one in P3 is very faint. Possible classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 13:01:21 | 42.4482 | -70.5707 | Three faint but classified singlets in P1, 2, and 4 and other unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 13:37:44 | 42.4496 | -70.5754 | One classified doublet in P11. |
05/06/22 14:07:44 | 42.4476 | -70.5731 | One unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P3 with a few other possible downsweeps throughout the period. |
05/06/22 14:22:44 | 42.4466 | -70.5720 | No classified doublets here but loud and clear singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 15:07:44 | 42.4437 | -70.5686 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 15:22:44 | 42.4427 | -70.5675 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 16:07:44 | 42.4442 | -70.5689 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 16:22:44 | 42.4433 | -70.5675 | Two possible unclassified singlets in P10 and 15. |
05/06/22 16:37:44 | 42.4425 | -70.5660 | Three classified singlets in P5, 6, and 11 and other unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 16:52:44 | 42.4416 | -70.5646 | One unclassified but loud and clear doublet in P3 and another unclassified doublet and singlet in P2 and 4. |
05/06/22 17:07:44 | 42.4407 | -70.5631 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 17:22:44 | 42.4399 | -70.5617 | Classified and unclassified RW upcalls and SW doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 17:37:44 | 42.4390 | -70.5603 | Two unclassified upcalls and a singlet and doublet in P1 and 2. |
05/06/22 18:22:44 | 42.4392 | -70.5564 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Three classified upcalls in P3, 5, and 15. |
05/06/22 18:37:44 | 42.4387 | -70.5544 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. One possible faint classified upcall in P6. |
05/06/22 18:52:44 | 42.4383 | -70.5525 | Two possible unclassified upcalls in P3 and 4. Three classified SW downsweeps in P4 that are very close together, could also be HW? |
05/06/22 19:07:44 | 42.4379 | -70.5505 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Classified and unclassified RW upcalls in P4 and 15. |
05/06/22 19:22:44 | 42.4375 | -70.5486 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Two possible unclassified upcalls in P2 and 9 but the pitch tracks are very short. |
05/06/22 20:07:44 | 42.4362 | -70.5428 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 20:11:18 | 42.4362 | -70.5428 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 21:07:44 | 42.4353 | -70.5373 | Classified and unclassified doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 21:22:44 | 42.4348 | -70.5357 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 23:07:44 | 42.4317 | -70.5273 | A few possible singlets with one classification in P6 and a probable unclassified doublet in P8. |
05/06/22 23:22:44 | 42.4304 | -70.5266 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/06/22 23:37:44 | 42.4292 | -70.5259 | Classified and unclassified doublets in P11 and 15. |
05/06/22 23:52:44 | 42.4279 | -70.5253 | One classified doublet in P3. |