Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/08/22 00:22:44 | Detected | 42.4133 | -70.3735 | Classified doublet in P3-4 and other downsweeps throughout the period. Possible unclassified RW upcall in P6? There’s also a possible HW moan in P10. |
05/08/22 01:07:03 | Possibly detected | 42.4120 | -70.3623 | Possible faint singlets with one classification in P3 and 4. |
05/08/22 01:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4115 | -70.3600 | Possible unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 03:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4119 | -70.3426 | Probable faint unclassified doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 03:22:44 | Detected | 42.4120 | -70.3398 | Faint classified doublet in P7. |
05/08/22 03:29:33 | Detected | 42.4119 | -70.3383 | Classified doublet in P1-2. |
05/08/22 04:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4096 | -70.3358 | One classified singlet in P14. |
05/08/22 04:22:44 | Detected | 42.4092 | -70.3320 | One classified singlet and doublet in P2 and 5. |
05/08/22 05:07:44 | Detected | 42.4081 | -70.3206 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 05:22:44 | Detected | 42.4078 | -70.3168 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 06:22:44 | Detected | 42.4039 | -70.3066 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 06:37:44 | Detected | 42.4036 | -70.3014 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with over three classifications. |
05/08/22 07:07:44 | Detected | 42.4030 | -70.2912 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with over three classifications and an unclassified doublet in P4. |
05/08/22 08:07:44 | Detected | 42.4019 | -70.2707 | One classified doublet in P12 and other downsweeps throughout the period. Three possible unclassified RW upcalls in P11 and 12 but there are some other random calls throughout the period that could be HW. |
05/08/22 08:16:58 | Detected | 42.4017 | -70.2671 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 09:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3997 | -70.2577 | Possible faint singlets with one classification in P11. |
05/08/22 09:22:44 | Detected | 42.3996 | -70.2535 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 09:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3995 | -70.2493 | Possible faint unclassified doublet in P7 and a classified singlet in P8. |
05/08/22 10:07:44 | Detected | 42.3993 | -70.2409 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 10:22:44 | Detected | 42.3992 | -70.2367 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3980 | -70.2346 | Two possible singlets in P1 and 2. The singlet in P1 has a call type 17 classification but is faint and broken up by noise. |
05/08/22 11:22:44 | Detected | 42.3984 | -70.2331 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. A slightly higher frequency downsweep in P11 that looks biological, possibly HW? |
05/08/22 11:37:44 | Detected | 42.3988 | -70.2315 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 12:07:44 | Detected | 42.3997 | -70.2282 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Slightly higher frequency downsweeps in P7 and 12, possibly HW? |
05/08/22 12:22:44 | Detected | 42.4002 | -70.2265 | One classified doublet with a call type 17 classification in P15, a classified singlet in P7, and a probable faint unclassified doublet in P1. |
05/08/22 12:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4006 | -70.2249 | One possible faint unclassified doublet toward the end of P3. |
05/08/22 13:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4015 | -70.2216 | Downsweeps throughout the period with one classified singlet and a probable unclassified doublet in P7. |
05/08/22 13:37:44 | Detected | 42.4019 | -70.2245 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 13:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4028 | -70.2237 | Unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 14:22:44 | Detected | 42.4045 | -70.2221 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 15:07:44 | Detected | 42.4070 | -70.2197 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 15:22:44 | Detected | 42.4079 | -70.2189 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 16:07:44 | Detected | 42.4083 | -70.2202 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 16:22:44 | Detected | 42.4091 | -70.2183 | Two classified doublets in P2 and 6. |
05/08/22 17:07:44 | Detected | 42.4115 | -70.2125 | SW downsweeps throughout the period with two classified singlets and a possible faint triplet with two call type 17 classifications in P16. There are clusters of short LF downsweeps throughout the period that look like they could be HW? |
05/08/22 17:57:17 | Detected | 42.4140 | -70.2067 | Faint classified doublet in P3. |
05/08/22 18:37:44 | Detected | 42.4144 | -70.2039 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 19:07:44 | Detected | 42.4151 | -70.1966 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. There’s a classified RW upcall in P11 but it’s faint and has surrounding spurious pitch tracks which indicates that it’s probably just noise. |
05/08/22 19:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4154 | -70.1930 | Two possible singlets with one classification in P4. |
05/08/22 20:07:44 | Detected | 42.4165 | -70.1822 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 20:22:44 | Detected | 42.4168 | -70.1786 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 21:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4165 | -70.1727 | Two possible, very faint singlets with one classification in P5 and 7. |
05/08/22 22:07:44 | Detected | 42.4198 | -70.1609 | One classified doublet in P2. |
05/08/22 22:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4214 | -70.1550 | Possible unclassified doublet and singlet in P1 and 4. |
05/08/22 23:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4230 | -70.1505 | Possible faint unclassified doublet at the beginning of P10. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/08/22 08:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4019 | -70.2707 | One classified doublet in P12 and other downsweeps throughout the period. Three possible unclassified RW upcalls in P11 and 12 but there are some other random calls throughout the period that could be HW. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/08/22 00:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4137 | -70.3773 | Loud short downsweeps at the end of P5, possible HW? |
05/08/22 00:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4133 | -70.3735 | Classified doublet in P3-4 and other downsweeps throughout the period. Possible unclassified RW upcall in P6? There’s also a possible HW moan in P10. |
05/08/22 01:37:44 | Detected | 42.4115 | -70.3600 | Possible unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 01:52:44 | Detected | 42.4116 | -70.3571 | |
05/08/22 02:07:44 | Detected | 42.4116 | -70.3542 | |
05/08/22 02:22:44 | Detected | 42.4117 | -70.3513 | |
05/08/22 03:07:44 | Detected | 42.4119 | -70.3426 | Probable faint unclassified doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 03:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4120 | -70.3398 | Faint classified doublet in P7. |
05/08/22 04:07:44 | Detected | 42.4096 | -70.3358 | One classified singlet in P14. |
05/08/22 07:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4028 | -70.2860 | |
05/08/22 08:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4019 | -70.2707 | One classified doublet in P12 and other downsweeps throughout the period. Three possible unclassified RW upcalls in P11 and 12 but there are some other random calls throughout the period that could be HW. |
05/08/22 11:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3984 | -70.2331 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. A slightly higher frequency downsweep in P11 that looks biological, possibly HW? |
05/08/22 12:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.3997 | -70.2282 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Slightly higher frequency downsweeps in P7 and 12, possibly HW? |
05/08/22 12:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4002 | -70.2265 | One classified doublet with a call type 17 classification in P15, a classified singlet in P7, and a probable faint unclassified doublet in P1. |
05/08/22 12:37:44 | Detected | 42.4006 | -70.2249 | One possible faint unclassified doublet toward the end of P3. |
05/08/22 14:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4036 | -70.2229 | Possible faint unclassified doublet at the end of P12 but it could easily be faint noise. |
05/08/22 16:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4091 | -70.2183 | Two classified doublets in P2 and 6. |
05/08/22 17:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4115 | -70.2125 | SW downsweeps throughout the period with two classified singlets and a possible faint triplet with two call type 17 classifications in P16. There are clusters of short LF downsweeps throughout the period that look like they could be HW? |
05/08/22 19:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4151 | -70.1966 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. There’s a classified RW upcall in P11 but it’s faint and has surrounding spurious pitch tracks which indicates that it’s probably just noise. |
05/08/22 21:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4165 | -70.1727 | Two possible, very faint singlets with one classification in P5 and 7. |
05/08/22 21:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4173 | -70.1698 | |
05/08/22 22:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4206 | -70.1580 | |
05/08/22 22:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4214 | -70.1550 | Possible unclassified doublet and singlet in P1 and 4. |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/08/22 00:07:44 | 42.4137 | -70.3773 | Loud short downsweeps at the end of P5, possible HW? |
05/08/22 00:22:44 | 42.4133 | -70.3735 | Classified doublet in P3-4 and other downsweeps throughout the period. Possible unclassified RW upcall in P6? There’s also a possible HW moan in P10. |
05/08/22 01:07:03 | 42.4120 | -70.3623 | Possible faint singlets with one classification in P3 and 4. |
05/08/22 01:37:44 | 42.4115 | -70.3600 | Possible unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 03:07:44 | 42.4119 | -70.3426 | Probable faint unclassified doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 03:22:44 | 42.4120 | -70.3398 | Faint classified doublet in P7. |
05/08/22 03:29:33 | 42.4119 | -70.3383 | Classified doublet in P1-2. |
05/08/22 04:07:44 | 42.4096 | -70.3358 | One classified singlet in P14. |
05/08/22 04:22:44 | 42.4092 | -70.3320 | One classified singlet and doublet in P2 and 5. |
05/08/22 05:07:44 | 42.4081 | -70.3206 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 05:22:44 | 42.4078 | -70.3168 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 06:22:44 | 42.4039 | -70.3066 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 06:37:44 | 42.4036 | -70.3014 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with over three classifications. |
05/08/22 07:07:44 | 42.4030 | -70.2912 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period with over three classifications and an unclassified doublet in P4. |
05/08/22 08:07:44 | 42.4019 | -70.2707 | One classified doublet in P12 and other downsweeps throughout the period. Three possible unclassified RW upcalls in P11 and 12 but there are some other random calls throughout the period that could be HW. |
05/08/22 08:16:58 | 42.4017 | -70.2671 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 09:07:44 | 42.3997 | -70.2577 | Possible faint singlets with one classification in P11. |
05/08/22 09:22:44 | 42.3996 | -70.2535 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 09:37:44 | 42.3995 | -70.2493 | Possible faint unclassified doublet in P7 and a classified singlet in P8. |
05/08/22 10:07:44 | 42.3993 | -70.2409 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 10:22:44 | 42.3992 | -70.2367 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 11:07:44 | 42.3980 | -70.2346 | Two possible singlets in P1 and 2. The singlet in P1 has a call type 17 classification but is faint and broken up by noise. |
05/08/22 11:22:44 | 42.3984 | -70.2331 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. A slightly higher frequency downsweep in P11 that looks biological, possibly HW? |
05/08/22 11:37:44 | 42.3988 | -70.2315 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 12:07:44 | 42.3997 | -70.2282 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. Slightly higher frequency downsweeps in P7 and 12, possibly HW? |
05/08/22 12:22:44 | 42.4002 | -70.2265 | One classified doublet with a call type 17 classification in P15, a classified singlet in P7, and a probable faint unclassified doublet in P1. |
05/08/22 12:37:44 | 42.4006 | -70.2249 | One possible faint unclassified doublet toward the end of P3. |
05/08/22 13:07:44 | 42.4015 | -70.2216 | Downsweeps throughout the period with one classified singlet and a probable unclassified doublet in P7. |
05/08/22 13:09:14 | 42.4015 | -70.2216 | Possible faint singlet at the end of P1? |
05/08/22 13:37:44 | 42.4019 | -70.2245 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 13:52:44 | 42.4028 | -70.2237 | Unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 14:07:44 | 42.4036 | -70.2229 | Possible faint unclassified doublet at the end of P12 but it could easily be faint noise. |
05/08/22 14:22:44 | 42.4045 | -70.2221 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 15:07:44 | 42.4070 | -70.2197 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 15:22:44 | 42.4079 | -70.2189 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 16:07:44 | 42.4083 | -70.2202 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 16:22:44 | 42.4091 | -70.2183 | Two classified doublets in P2 and 6. |
05/08/22 17:07:44 | 42.4115 | -70.2125 | SW downsweeps throughout the period with two classified singlets and a possible faint triplet with two call type 17 classifications in P16. There are clusters of short LF downsweeps throughout the period that look like they could be HW? |
05/08/22 17:57:17 | 42.4140 | -70.2067 | Faint classified doublet in P3. |
05/08/22 18:37:44 | 42.4144 | -70.2039 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 19:07:44 | 42.4151 | -70.1966 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. There’s a classified RW upcall in P11 but it’s faint and has surrounding spurious pitch tracks which indicates that it’s probably just noise. |
05/08/22 19:22:44 | 42.4154 | -70.1930 | Two possible singlets with one classification in P4. |
05/08/22 20:07:44 | 42.4165 | -70.1822 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 20:22:44 | 42.4168 | -70.1786 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/08/22 21:07:44 | 42.4165 | -70.1727 | Two possible, very faint singlets with one classification in P5 and 7. |
05/08/22 22:07:44 | 42.4198 | -70.1609 | One classified doublet in P2. |
05/08/22 22:37:44 | 42.4214 | -70.1550 | Possible unclassified doublet and singlet in P1 and 4. |
05/08/22 23:37:44 | 42.4230 | -70.1505 | Possible faint unclassified doublet at the beginning of P10. |