Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/10/22 00:07:44 | Detected | 42.4923 | -70.1063 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period with a classified triplet in P13. |
05/10/22 00:22:44 | Detected | 42.4938 | -70.1073 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 01:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4982 | -70.1104 | Possible classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period but there’s also a lot of LF tonal noise and possible HW calls. It’s difficult to completely isolate definite SW downsweeps. |
05/10/22 05:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5151 | -70.1346 | One unclassified singlet in P13. |
05/10/22 05:22:44 | Detected | 42.5167 | -70.1349 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 07:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5259 | -70.1384 | One unclassified singlet in P3. |
05/10/22 07:22:44 | Detected | 42.5254 | -70.1398 | One classified doublet in P6. |
05/10/22 07:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5249 | -70.1412 | One classified singlet in P1 and two probable unclassified doublets in P5 and 7. |
05/10/22 08:07:44 | Detected | 42.5239 | -70.1439 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 08:22:44 | Detected | 42.5234 | -70.1452 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 09:07:41 | Detected | 42.5219 | -70.1493 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 09:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5191 | -70.1470 | One possible unclassified singlet in P3. |
05/10/22 09:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5184 | -70.1476 | Two loud unclassified singlets in P2 and 4. |
05/10/22 10:07:44 | Detected | 42.5177 | -70.1483 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 10:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5170 | -70.1491 | Possible singlets throughout the period with one classified singlet in P3. |
05/10/22 11:07:44 | Detected | 42.5149 | -70.1513 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 11:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5142 | -70.1520 | Two classified singlets in P6 and 8 and a possible faint doublet around 45 seconds in P3 but there are also higher frequency faint downsweeps in that panel and other possible singlets throughout the period. The patterned downsweeps in P3 could be HW or faint noise. |
05/10/22 14:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5007 | -70.1651 | One possible unclassified doublet in P2. |
05/10/22 14:22:44 | Detected | 42.5009 | -70.1685 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 14:37:44 | Detected | 42.5011 | -70.1718 | An unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P7. |
05/10/22 15:07:44 | Detected | 42.5015 | -70.1784 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 15:22:44 | Detected | 42.5017 | -70.1817 | One unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P4. |
05/10/22 16:07:44 | Detected | 42.5023 | -70.1917 | Two loud, isolated doublets in P2 and 9 and other possible downsweeps throughout the period. |
05/10/22 16:11:35 | Possibly detected | 42.5023 | -70.1917 | Probable unclassified doublet in P3. |
05/10/22 17:07:44 | Detected | 42.5040 | -70.2015 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 17:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5045 | -70.2048 | One possible faint unclassified singlet at the beginning of P3. |
05/10/22 20:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5085 | -70.2285 | Two possible unclassified doublets in P7 and 12. A possible HW vocalization in P8? |
05/10/22 20:37:44 | Detected | 42.5087 | -70.2316 | One faint classified doublet and singlet in P5 and 12. |
05/10/22 22:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5072 | -70.2309 | Possible faint unclassified doublet in P6. |
05/10/22 22:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5068 | -70.2314 | Possible faint unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period but most could also be LF noise. |
05/10/22 22:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5065 | -70.2320 | One loud unclassified singlet in P5. |
05/10/22 23:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5057 | -70.2330 | One classified singlet in P13. |
05/10/22 23:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5054 | -70.2335 | Two unclassified singlets in P9 and 15. |
05/10/22 23:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5050 | -70.2341 | Two possible faint unclassified doublets in P3 and 16. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/10/22 18:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5061 | -70.2182 |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/10/22 01:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4982 | -70.1104 | Possible classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period but there’s also a lot of LF tonal noise and possible HW calls. It’s difficult to completely isolate definite SW downsweeps. |
05/10/22 20:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5087 | -70.2316 | One faint classified doublet and singlet in P5 and 12. |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/10/22 00:07:44 | 42.4923 | -70.1063 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period with a classified triplet in P13. |
05/10/22 00:22:44 | 42.4938 | -70.1073 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 01:07:44 | 42.4982 | -70.1104 | Possible classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period but there’s also a lot of LF tonal noise and possible HW calls. It’s difficult to completely isolate definite SW downsweeps. |
05/10/22 04:07:44 | 42.5144 | -70.1294 | One classified singlet in P9 but it looks like it could be LF tonal noise. |
05/10/22 05:07:44 | 42.5151 | -70.1346 | One unclassified singlet in P13. |
05/10/22 05:22:44 | 42.5167 | -70.1349 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 06:07:44 | 42.5216 | -70.1360 | One possible unclassified singlet at the end of P15 but it also could just be LF noise. |
05/10/22 07:07:44 | 42.5259 | -70.1384 | One unclassified singlet in P3. |
05/10/22 07:22:44 | 42.5254 | -70.1398 | One classified doublet in P6. |
05/10/22 07:37:44 | 42.5249 | -70.1412 | One classified singlet in P1 and two probable unclassified doublets in P5 and 7. |
05/10/22 08:07:44 | 42.5239 | -70.1439 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 08:22:44 | 42.5234 | -70.1452 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 09:07:41 | 42.5219 | -70.1493 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 09:37:44 | 42.5191 | -70.1470 | One possible unclassified singlet in P3. |
05/10/22 09:52:44 | 42.5184 | -70.1476 | Two loud unclassified singlets in P2 and 4. |
05/10/22 10:07:44 | 42.5177 | -70.1483 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 10:22:44 | 42.5170 | -70.1491 | Possible singlets throughout the period with one classified singlet in P3. |
05/10/22 11:07:44 | 42.5149 | -70.1513 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 11:22:44 | 42.5142 | -70.1520 | Two classified singlets in P6 and 8 and a possible faint doublet around 45 seconds in P3 but there are also higher frequency faint downsweeps in that panel and other possible singlets throughout the period. The patterned downsweeps in P3 could be HW or faint noise. |
05/10/22 14:07:44 | 42.5007 | -70.1651 | One possible unclassified doublet in P2. |
05/10/22 14:22:44 | 42.5009 | -70.1685 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 14:37:44 | 42.5011 | -70.1718 | An unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P7. |
05/10/22 15:07:44 | 42.5015 | -70.1784 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 15:22:44 | 42.5017 | -70.1817 | One unclassified but loud, clear, and isolated doublet in P4. |
05/10/22 16:07:44 | 42.5023 | -70.1917 | Two loud, isolated doublets in P2 and 9 and other possible downsweeps throughout the period. |
05/10/22 16:11:35 | 42.5023 | -70.1917 | Probable unclassified doublet in P3. |
05/10/22 17:07:44 | 42.5040 | -70.2015 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/10/22 17:22:44 | 42.5045 | -70.2048 | One possible faint unclassified singlet at the beginning of P3. |
05/10/22 20:07:44 | 42.5085 | -70.2285 | Two possible unclassified doublets in P7 and 12. A possible HW vocalization in P8? |
05/10/22 20:37:44 | 42.5087 | -70.2316 | One faint classified doublet and singlet in P5 and 12. |
05/10/22 22:07:44 | 42.5072 | -70.2309 | Possible faint unclassified doublet in P6. |
05/10/22 22:22:44 | 42.5068 | -70.2314 | Possible faint unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period but most could also be LF noise. |
05/10/22 22:37:44 | 42.5065 | -70.2320 | One loud unclassified singlet in P5. |
05/10/22 23:07:44 | 42.5057 | -70.2330 | One classified singlet in P13. |
05/10/22 23:22:44 | 42.5054 | -70.2335 | Two unclassified singlets in P9 and 15. |
05/10/22 23:37:44 | 42.5050 | -70.2341 | Two possible faint unclassified doublets in P3 and 16. |