Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/11/22 00:22:44 | Detected | 42.5008 | -70.2323 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 00:37:44 | Detected | 42.5006 | -70.2338 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 00:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5005 | -70.2354 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P2. |
05/11/22 01:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.5003 | -70.2384 | One possible classified singlet in P2 and a few other possible unclassified downsweeps throughout the period but they’re flatter and could just be LF noise. |
05/11/22 02:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4967 | -70.2494 | One possible unclassified singlet in P3. |
05/11/22 03:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4968 | -70.2527 | One possible unclassified singlet in P9 and a possible unclassified doublet in P3 but the downsweeps are very flat. |
05/11/22 03:37:44 | Detected | 42.4968 | -70.2592 | One classified doublet in P3 and another louder but unclassified doublet in P6. |
05/11/22 04:22:44 | Detected | 42.4969 | -70.2689 | Two classified doublets in P12 and 16. |
05/11/22 04:37:44 | Detected | 42.4969 | -70.2722 | One classified doublet in P11. |
05/11/22 05:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4945 | -70.2836 | Two possible classified singlets in P6 and 7, one with a call type 17 classification. |
05/11/22 06:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4935 | -70.2889 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 06:22:44 | Detected | 42.4930 | -70.2915 | Classified doublet with a call type 17 classification in P5 and a few other unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 07:02:53 | Possibly detected | 42.4916 | -70.2987 | One unclassified singlet in P4. |
05/11/22 07:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4910 | -70.3017 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 07:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4903 | -70.3029 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 08:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4895 | -70.3042 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period and a possible faint unclassified doublet in P13. |
05/11/22 08:22:44 | Detected | 42.4888 | -70.3054 | Three classified singlets in P7, 8, and 10. |
05/11/22 08:37:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4880 | -70.3067 | One unclassified singlet in P2. |
05/11/22 09:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4865 | -70.3092 | Possible faint unclassified doublet and singlet in P2 and 4. |
05/11/22 10:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4838 | -70.3105 | One classified singlet in P9 and a possible unclassified singlet in P11. |
05/11/22 10:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4831 | -70.3115 | Unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 11:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4808 | -70.3145 | Two unclassified singlets in P11. |
05/11/22 11:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4800 | -70.3155 | Two possible classified singlets in P10 and 12 and a possible unclassified doublet in P11 but the pitch tracks are faint and poor quality, could just be LF noise. |
05/11/22 12:37:44 | Detected | 42.4741 | -70.3174 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 12:52:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4736 | -70.3191 | Two unclassified singlets in P3. |
05/11/22 13:07:44 | Detected | 42.4731 | -70.3209 | Clear unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period with one classified singlet in P12. |
05/11/22 13:22:44 | Detected | 42.4727 | -70.3227 | One classified doublet in P3. |
05/11/22 15:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4646 | -70.3334 | One unclassified doublet and possible singlet in P9 and 10. |
05/11/22 15:22:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4637 | -70.3361 | One classified singlet in P3. |
05/11/22 18:07:44 | Detected | 42.4503 | -70.3662 | Two unclassified doublets in P2, the first of which is very loud and clear. Another classified singlet in P3. |
05/11/22 18:37:44 | Detected | 42.4482 | -70.3732 | One unclassified doublet in P11 and a classified doublet in P13-14. |
05/11/22 19:07:44 | Detected | 42.4461 | -70.3803 | One classified singlet and doublet in P4 and 10 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
05/11/22 19:21:09 | Possibly detected | 42.4451 | -70.3837 | The end of a possible faint unclassified doublet in P1. |
05/11/22 20:07:44 | Detected | 42.4410 | -70.3897 | One classified doublet in P9. |
05/11/22 21:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4405 | -70.3988 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P3-4 and a possible faint classified singlet in P9. |
05/11/22 22:22:44 | Detected | 42.4378 | -70.4074 | One classified doublet in P15. |
05/11/22 22:37:44 | Detected | 42.4382 | -70.4084 | Two classified doublets in P11 and 15. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/11/22 21:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4405 | -70.3988 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P3-4 and a possible faint classified singlet in P9. |
05/11/22 22:37:44 | Detected | 42.4382 | -70.4084 | Two classified doublets in P11 and 15. |
05/11/22 23:07:44 | Possibly detected | 42.4389 | -70.4105 |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
05/11/22 00:22:44 | 42.5008 | -70.2323 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 00:37:44 | 42.5006 | -70.2338 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 00:52:44 | 42.5005 | -70.2354 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P2. |
05/11/22 01:22:44 | 42.5003 | -70.2384 | One possible classified singlet in P2 and a few other possible unclassified downsweeps throughout the period but they’re flatter and could just be LF noise. |
05/11/22 02:52:44 | 42.4967 | -70.2494 | One possible unclassified singlet in P3. |
05/11/22 03:07:44 | 42.4968 | -70.2527 | One possible unclassified singlet in P9 and a possible unclassified doublet in P3 but the downsweeps are very flat. |
05/11/22 03:37:44 | 42.4968 | -70.2592 | One classified doublet in P3 and another louder but unclassified doublet in P6. |
05/11/22 04:22:44 | 42.4969 | -70.2689 | Two classified doublets in P12 and 16. |
05/11/22 04:37:44 | 42.4969 | -70.2722 | One classified doublet in P11. |
05/11/22 05:37:44 | 42.4945 | -70.2836 | Two possible classified singlets in P6 and 7, one with a call type 17 classification. |
05/11/22 06:07:44 | 42.4935 | -70.2889 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 06:22:44 | 42.4930 | -70.2915 | Classified doublet with a call type 17 classification in P5 and a few other unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 07:02:53 | 42.4916 | -70.2987 | One unclassified singlet in P4. |
05/11/22 07:37:44 | 42.4910 | -70.3017 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 07:52:44 | 42.4903 | -70.3029 | Classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 08:07:44 | 42.4895 | -70.3042 | Unclassified singlets throughout the period and a possible faint unclassified doublet in P13. |
05/11/22 08:22:44 | 42.4888 | -70.3054 | Three classified singlets in P7, 8, and 10. |
05/11/22 08:37:44 | 42.4880 | -70.3067 | One unclassified singlet in P2. |
05/11/22 09:07:44 | 42.4865 | -70.3092 | Possible faint unclassified doublet and singlet in P2 and 4. |
05/11/22 10:07:44 | 42.4838 | -70.3105 | One classified singlet in P9 and a possible unclassified singlet in P11. |
05/11/22 10:22:44 | 42.4831 | -70.3115 | Unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 11:07:44 | 42.4808 | -70.3145 | Two unclassified singlets in P11. |
05/11/22 11:22:44 | 42.4800 | -70.3155 | Two possible classified singlets in P10 and 12 and a possible unclassified doublet in P11 but the pitch tracks are faint and poor quality, could just be LF noise. |
05/11/22 12:37:44 | 42.4741 | -70.3174 | Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period. |
05/11/22 12:52:44 | 42.4736 | -70.3191 | Two unclassified singlets in P3. |
05/11/22 13:07:44 | 42.4731 | -70.3209 | Clear unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period with one classified singlet in P12. |
05/11/22 13:22:44 | 42.4727 | -70.3227 | One classified doublet in P3. |
05/11/22 15:07:44 | 42.4646 | -70.3334 | One unclassified doublet and possible singlet in P9 and 10. |
05/11/22 15:22:44 | 42.4637 | -70.3361 | One classified singlet in P3. |
05/11/22 18:07:44 | 42.4503 | -70.3662 | Two unclassified doublets in P2, the first of which is very loud and clear. Another classified singlet in P3. |
05/11/22 18:37:44 | 42.4482 | -70.3732 | One unclassified doublet in P11 and a classified doublet in P13-14. |
05/11/22 19:07:44 | 42.4461 | -70.3803 | One classified singlet and doublet in P4 and 10 and other downsweeps throughout the period. |
05/11/22 19:21:09 | 42.4451 | -70.3837 | The end of a possible faint unclassified doublet in P1. |
05/11/22 20:07:44 | 42.4410 | -70.3897 | One classified doublet in P9. |
05/11/22 21:07:44 | 42.4405 | -70.3988 | One possible faint unclassified doublet in P3-4 and a possible faint classified singlet in P9. |
05/11/22 22:22:44 | 42.4378 | -70.4074 | One classified doublet in P15. |
05/11/22 22:37:44 | 42.4382 | -70.4084 | Two classified doublets in P11 and 15. |