Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
10/01/20 00:45:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6138 | -62.2482 | FW detected, train 4 calls.
Possible BW, faint arched calls, and a few downsweeps. |
10/01/20 01:00:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6147 | -62.2526 | Possible BW, faint broken arhced calls. |
10/01/20 04:30:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6250 | -62.2747 | Possible BW arched calls |
10/01/20 07:30:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6305 | -62.2792 | Possible arched call in P14, and classified SW downsweep |
10/01/20 08:00:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6310 | -62.2821 | Possible BW, multiple downsweeps, one is classified as call type 17. |
10/01/20 15:30:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6440 | -62.3366 | multiple longer downsweeps, non classified, most are high map. A few in P15 look
like they coulld be arched calls. Marking as possible BW |
10/01/20 16:45:58 | Detected | 48.6472 | -62.3308 | A few downsweeps, one looks like and arched call. All are loud. Marking as
detected BW |
10/01/20 17:00:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6478 | -62.3296 | FW train 3 calls.
Multiple downsweep that could be arched calls. |
10/01/20 19:30:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6499 | -62.3318 | single faint arched call. |
10/01/20 20:45:58 | Possibly detected | 48.6518 | -62.3415 | multiple long downsweeps, potential BW |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
10/01/20 00:45:58 | 48.6138 | -62.2482 | FW detected, train 4 calls.
Possible BW, faint arched calls, and a few downsweeps. |
10/01/20 01:00:58 | 48.6147 | -62.2526 | Possible BW, faint broken arhced calls. |
10/01/20 03:15:58 | 48.6207 | -62.2712 | FW detected, train 4+ calls |
10/01/20 04:30:58 | 48.6250 | -62.2747 | Possible BW arched calls |
10/01/20 04:45:58 | 48.6258 | -62.2754 | FW detected, multiple train sof 4+ calls |
10/01/20 06:30:58 | 48.6297 | -62.2733 | noisy |
10/01/20 07:30:58 | 48.6305 | -62.2792 | Possible arched call in P14, and classified SW downsweep |
10/01/20 07:45:58 | 48.6308 | -62.2807 | SW downsweep classified as call type 17 |
10/01/20 08:00:58 | 48.6310 | -62.2821 | Possible BW, multiple downsweeps, one is classified as call type 17. |
10/01/20 08:30:58 | 48.6314 | -62.2851 | well shaped SW downsweep, classified and loud. |
10/01/20 09:00:58 | 48.6319 | -62.2880 | Possible HW, a few MF patterned tonals.
One SW classified call, possible SW |
10/01/20 09:15:58 | 48.6321 | -62.2895 | The classified RW upcall is faint and not isolated, keeping as not detected. |
10/01/20 13:30:58 | 48.6409 | -62.3375 | Multiple SW downsweeps, including 2 triplets. But the only classified call is a
singlet call type 17. |
10/01/20 13:45:58 | 48.6410 | -62.3420 | 1 classified SW downsweep within doublet. |
10/01/20 15:30:58 | 48.6440 | -62.3366 | multiple longer downsweeps, non classified, most are high map. A few in P15 look
like they coulld be arched calls. Marking as possible BW |
10/01/20 16:45:58 | 48.6472 | -62.3308 | A few downsweeps, one looks like and arched call. All are loud. Marking as
detected BW |
10/01/20 17:00:58 | 48.6478 | -62.3296 | FW train 3 calls.
Multiple downsweep that could be arched calls. |
10/01/20 18:45:58 | 48.6488 | -62.3260 | simple SW clsasified downsweep. |
10/01/20 19:30:58 | 48.6499 | -62.3318 | single faint arched call. |
10/01/20 20:45:58 | 48.6518 | -62.3415 | multiple long downsweeps, potential BW |
10/01/20 22:45:58 | 48.6540 | -62.3651 | two unclassified SW calls. Not enough evidence for possible. |