Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/18/24 13:06:21Detected43.3572-69.2299Classified doublet.
10/18/24 14:06:21Possibly detected43.3499-69.2182One classified singlet.
10/18/24 23:06:21Possibly detected43.3453-69.2973One possible classified SW singlet.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/18/24 00:06:21Detected43.4039-69.3337
10/18/24 01:06:21Detected43.3976-69.3227
10/18/24 04:06:21Detected43.3850-69.2879
10/18/24 09:06:21Detected43.3780-69.2533
10/18/24 12:06:21Detected43.3645-69.2416
10/18/24 14:06:21Detected43.3499-69.2182One classified singlet.
10/18/24 15:21:21Possibly detected43.3436-69.2094
10/18/24 17:06:21Detected43.3482-69.2192
10/18/24 18:06:21Detected43.3491-69.2247Another long upcall bout but most of the calls are short and jagged. Difficult to rule out HW but no other call types present.
10/18/24 19:06:21Detected43.3527-69.2415Louder upcall bout.
10/18/24 21:21:21Possibly detected43.3571-69.2756Two sporadic upcalls in P2 and 3 but low quality/poor shape.
10/18/24 22:06:21Detected43.3520-69.2849One classified upcall but it’s amongst noise.
10/18/24 23:06:21Detected43.3453-69.2973One possible classified SW singlet.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/18/24 18:06:21Possibly detected43.3491-69.2247Another long upcall bout but most of the calls are short and jagged. Difficult to rule out HW but no other call types present.
10/18/24 19:06:21Possibly detected43.3527-69.2415Louder upcall bout.
10/18/24 21:21:21Possibly detected43.3571-69.2756Two sporadic upcalls in P2 and 3 but low quality/poor shape.

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/18/24 18:06:21Possibly detected43.3491-69.2247Another long upcall bout but most of the calls are short and jagged. Difficult to rule out HW but no other call types present.
10/18/24 19:06:21Possibly detected43.3527-69.2415Louder upcall bout.
10/18/24 20:06:21Possibly detected43.3563-69.2584Shorter upcalls in bout, possible HW?
10/18/24 21:21:21Possibly detected43.3571-69.2756Two sporadic upcalls in P2 and 3 but low quality/poor shape.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/18/24 13:06:2143.3572-69.2299Classified doublet.
10/18/24 14:06:2143.3499-69.2182One classified singlet.
10/18/24 18:06:2143.3491-69.2247Another long upcall bout but most of the calls are short and jagged. Difficult to rule out HW but no other call types present.
10/18/24 19:06:2143.3527-69.2415Louder upcall bout.
10/18/24 20:06:2143.3563-69.2584Shorter upcalls in bout, possible HW?
10/18/24 21:21:2143.3571-69.2756Two sporadic upcalls in P2 and 3 but low quality/poor shape.
10/18/24 22:06:2143.3520-69.2849One classified upcall but it’s amongst noise.
10/18/24 23:06:2143.3453-69.2973One possible classified SW singlet.
