Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 00:06:21Possibly detected43.1711-69.3830One classified singlet with call type 17 and possible doublets in P6, 7, and 11. The doublet in P6 has a classification but the downsweeps are very short.
10/21/24 01:06:21Detected43.1725-69.3721Classified doublets.
10/21/24 01:59:10Possibly detected43.1736-69.3613Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 03:06:21Possibly detected43.1705-69.3502Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 04:06:21Detected43.1706-69.3370Multiple classified singlets with call type 17. No obvious signs of HW presence.
10/21/24 05:06:21Possibly detected43.1707-69.3238Possible faint singlets throughout the period. One has a call type 17 classification but is very short and faint. Difficult to distinguish noise from biological.
10/21/24 06:21:21Possibly detected43.1732-69.3160One classified singlet and lots of LF noise.
10/21/24 08:06:21Possibly detected43.1860-69.2989One classified singlet and a possible unclassified doublet in P2 but the downsweeps are spaced further apart.
10/21/24 10:06:21Detected43.2030-69.2827Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 10:21:21Detected43.2043-69.2804One classified doublet.
10/21/24 11:06:21Detected43.2081-69.2735Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets.
10/21/24 15:06:21Possibly detected43.2164-69.2347One classified singlet.
10/21/24 16:06:21Detected43.2143-69.2228Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 17:06:21Detected43.2130-69.2099Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 18:06:21Detected43.2150-69.1951Classified doublets.
10/21/24 19:06:21Detected43.2169-69.1803Two unclassified but loud doublets in P2 and 4. Loud LF tonals in P3 but difficult to tell if they’re biological.
10/21/24 20:21:21Possibly detected43.2166-69.1631Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 21:06:21Possibly detected43.2255-69.1588Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 22:06:21Detected43.2374-69.1531Multiple classified singlets and possible doublets in P2 and 3.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 00:06:21Detected43.1711-69.3830One classified singlet with call type 17 and possible doublets in P6, 7, and 11. The doublet in P6 has a classification but the downsweeps are very short.
10/21/24 01:06:21Detected43.1725-69.3721Classified doublets.
10/21/24 01:59:10Detected43.1736-69.3613Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 03:06:21Detected43.1705-69.3502Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 04:06:21Detected43.1706-69.3370Multiple classified singlets with call type 17. No obvious signs of HW presence.
10/21/24 05:06:21Detected43.1707-69.3238Possible faint singlets throughout the period. One has a call type 17 classification but is very short and faint. Difficult to distinguish noise from biological.
10/21/24 06:21:21Possibly detected43.1732-69.3160One classified singlet and lots of LF noise.
10/21/24 07:06:21Possibly detected43.1787-69.3087Difficult to tell if there are SW downsweeps here or just noise.
10/21/24 08:06:21Detected43.1860-69.2989One classified singlet and a possible unclassified doublet in P2 but the downsweeps are spaced further apart.
10/21/24 09:06:21Detected43.1933-69.2892
10/21/24 11:06:21Detected43.2081-69.2735Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets.
10/21/24 12:06:21Detected43.2132-69.2643
10/21/24 13:05:01Detected43.2182-69.2551
10/21/24 14:06:21Detected43.2185-69.2466
10/21/24 15:06:21Detected43.2164-69.2347One classified singlet.
10/21/24 16:06:21Detected43.2143-69.2228Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 19:06:21Detected43.2169-69.1803Two unclassified but loud doublets in P2 and 4. Loud LF tonals in P3 but difficult to tell if they’re biological.
10/21/24 20:21:21Detected43.2166-69.1631Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 21:06:21Detected43.2255-69.1588Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 22:06:21Detected43.2374-69.1531Multiple classified singlets and possible doublets in P2 and 3.
10/21/24 23:06:21Detected43.2493-69.1474


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 00:06:2143.1711-69.3830One classified singlet with call type 17 and possible doublets in P6, 7, and 11. The doublet in P6 has a classification but the downsweeps are very short.
10/21/24 01:06:2143.1725-69.3721Classified doublets.
10/21/24 01:59:1043.1736-69.3613Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 03:06:2143.1705-69.3502Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 04:06:2143.1706-69.3370Multiple classified singlets with call type 17. No obvious signs of HW presence.
10/21/24 05:06:2143.1707-69.3238Possible faint singlets throughout the period. One has a call type 17 classification but is very short and faint. Difficult to distinguish noise from biological.
10/21/24 06:21:2143.1732-69.3160One classified singlet and lots of LF noise.
10/21/24 07:06:2143.1787-69.3087Difficult to tell if there are SW downsweeps here or just noise.
10/21/24 08:06:2143.1860-69.2989One classified singlet and a possible unclassified doublet in P2 but the downsweeps are spaced further apart.
10/21/24 10:06:2143.2030-69.2827Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 10:21:2143.2043-69.2804One classified doublet.
10/21/24 11:06:2143.2081-69.2735Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets.
10/21/24 15:06:2143.2164-69.2347One classified singlet.
10/21/24 16:06:2143.2143-69.2228Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 17:06:2143.2130-69.2099Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 18:06:2143.2150-69.1951Classified doublets.
10/21/24 19:06:2143.2169-69.1803Two unclassified but loud doublets in P2 and 4. Loud LF tonals in P3 but difficult to tell if they’re biological.
10/21/24 20:21:2143.2166-69.1631Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 21:06:2143.2255-69.1588Classified and unclassified singlets.
10/21/24 22:06:2143.2374-69.1531Multiple classified singlets and possible doublets in P2 and 3.
