Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/13/24 00:30:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 7, appropriate frequency and shape. No other PT data, like HW calls, in panel
05/13/24 06:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 2, appropriate shape and frequency and different amplitude than rest of PT data in panel PD HW: potential calls around 300-350 Hz throughout the tally period with some repetition

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/13/24 06:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 2, appropriate shape and frequency and different amplitude than rest of PT data in panel PD HW: potential calls around 300-350 Hz throughout the tally period with some repetition
05/13/24 14:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD HW: potentially a few HW calls around 350 Hz in panels 1-4. The calls have some repetition but there is noise with a similar shape throughout the tally period, but at a lower frequency


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/13/24 00:30:2037.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 7, appropriate frequency and shape. No other PT data, like HW calls, in panel
05/13/24 02:15:2037.1610-75.2498panels 10-13: some potentially faint HW calls, but not much shape to them
05/13/24 03:15:2037.1610-75.2498panels 4-5: possibly some HW calls, but not much repetition, so a bit skeptical and therefore, did not classify as PD. Looks like more of noise throughout rest of tally period
05/13/24 04:30:2037.1610-75.2498panel 7- possible faint RW upcall (classified as HW), however, not isolated and other PT data of similar amplitude in panels 7-8 that could be noise or HW
05/13/24 06:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD SW: classified singlet in panel 2, appropriate shape and frequency and different amplitude than rest of PT data in panel PD HW: potential calls around 300-350 Hz throughout the tally period with some repetition
05/13/24 10:15:2037.1610-75.2498appears to be mostly noise throughout tally period panel 5- classified SW singlet, but it's not a complete downsweep shape and there is a little bit of noise preceding it. Since the classification is a bit suspect, I didn't label as PD for SW
05/13/24 14:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD HW: potentially a few HW calls around 350 Hz in panels 1-4. The calls have some repetition but there is noise with a similar shape throughout the tally period, but at a lower frequency
05/13/24 16:15:2037.1610-75.2498appears to be mostly noise, no RW calls
05/13/24 17:15:2037.1610-75.2498appears to be mostly noise, no actual RW calls
05/13/24 23:15:2037.1610-75.2498classified singlet in panel 4- appropriate frequency and high amplitude, but not much of a downsweep shape, appears to be more of an artifact. There's a little bit of noise right before the classified call
