Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
12/13/24 00:28:18 | 37.1598 | -75.2397 | panel 4- 2 possible faint HW calls |
12/13/24 02:13:18 | 37.1598 | -75.2397 | D HW: several low and mid-frequency patterned calls |
12/13/24 03:13:18 | 37.1598 | -75.2397 | PD HW: some faint low-mid frequency repeated calls |
12/13/24 09:13:18 | 37.1598 | -75.2397 | panel 15- sound classified as RW, but there is noise right after it and no other
potential upcalls in rest of PT period, so hesitant to label it as "PD" for RW |
12/13/24 12:13:18 | 37.1598 | -75.2397 | PT data classified as RW but just noise |
12/13/24 13:13:18 | 37.1598 | -75.2397 | Panel 5- no RW calls, just noise |
12/13/24 23:28:18 | 37.1598 | -75.2397 | panel 4-no RW call, just noise |