
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/09/22 00:44:2036.7178-75.4717Still spurious noises around 150 Hz, some loud.
08/09/22 00:59:2036.7178-75.4717Patterns of short, but loud noises in P8. Got cut off though.
08/09/22 04:59:2036.7178-75.4717Funky noise going on in P16.
08/09/22 10:14:2036.7178-75.4717A bit of patterning towards the end, but quiet and short so likely spurious.
08/09/22 11:14:2036.7178-75.4717Some funky noise throughout
08/09/22 12:44:2036.7178-75.4717Somewhat smooth, longer noise in P13+14 but faint.
