Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
06/13/24 02:08:58 | Possibly detected | 36.7170 | -75.4715 | 2 up calls detected, but quiet with surrounding noise |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
06/13/24 02:08:58 | 36.7170 | -75.4715 | 2 up calls detected, but quiet with surrounding noise |
06/13/24 02:23:58 | 36.7170 | -75.4715 | 1 poorly-shaped up-call classification in P5 |
06/13/24 06:08:58 | 36.7170 | -75.4715 | some up- and down-sweeps from P4-P8 |